"You want me to bathe in the fountain?" Sam asked.

"Yes, after all, they are more than large enough." Coville said, since the size of the fountains had increased to allow them to easily fit their whole bodies in it.

"That actually does make sense, but which one is which and why would she not want to agree to it?" Kara asked.

"To answer your first question, the fountain on the left is the one of strength, the one on the right is the one of weakness. And to answer your second question, you might be hesitant to agree to it because in order for the process to work, there cannot be any barriers to prevent the waters from reaching every cell of your bodies, which I understand might be a bit awkward." Coville said and now both Sam and Kara understood why he thought they might find it awkward.

"I have to bathe in the fountain naked." Sam said, not so much asking as she was saying and she was appalled by the thought.

"Yes. Do not worry, I will not see anything and your physical body on Earth will remain fully clothed, but I'm afraid if you want this to work, you must bathe in the fountain while in the same state you would be if you were bathing anywhere else." Coville said.

"You horndog." Kara said, appalled.

"I did not make the rules of the fountain, but I simply adhere to them. However, if it will make you more comfortable." Coville said as he vanished.

Kara and Sam looked at each other for a moment before Kara finally broke the ice.

"So, this is awkward." Kara said and Sam chuckled.

"That is an understatement. No offense Kara, but I do not want to be naked in front of you." Sam said.

"None taken." Kara said.

"I can't believe I'm about to do this." Sam said as she reached to remove her shirt, but before she could even reach her collar, there was a gust of wind and a splash of water and suddenly, Kara's suit, cape, rings, belt, bra and panties were all neatly folded on the ground and Kara was now in the fountain of strength and a majority of her body thankfully hidden under the water.

"Kara, you didn't have to do that." Sam said, knowing how reluctant Kara had been to consider even drinking from the fountain, and yet now here she was, bathing in it.

"It didn't seem fair of me to ask you to do something like this if I wasn't willing to do it myself. Besides, since things have changed and we'll need a new plan to stop Reign, I figure we'll need as much strength as we can get." Kara said as she began to feel self conscious and raised her arms to cover her chest and crossed her legs, causing Sam to immediately get the hint and turned away to give her apparent cousin some semblance of privacy, which Kara was grateful for as she took a deep breath and dunked her entire body, head included, under the water and she could immediately felt her body soaking in the power from the fountain.

When Kara finally came up for air, she could feel the new power coursing through and she decided that she'd been in the fountain long enough. After making sure that Sam was still turned away from her, Kara super sped over to where her clothes were set down and after using her cape to towel herself off, she quickly redressed herself and could not have felt more relieved to be clothed again.

"Well, I guess it's my turn now and sadly I do not have superspeed." Sam said.

"Yet." Kara said.

"Yeah, well, could you please turn around." Sam said and Kara nodded as she showed Sam the same courtesy she had shown her as Sam began to get undressed.

Sam squealed when the cold water hit her skin, but she was relieved when Kara did not turn around. Still, she had to stop herself from jumping out of the fountain and rushing over to the rock where her clothes were lying on before the process was complete.

And while this was incredibly embarrassing for her, she couldn't deny that every moment she spent in the fountain slowly made the humiliation worth it as she felt the power course through her and she could feel her kryptonian finally surfaced as she dunked her head under and let the power surge into her and when she emerge, she felt the power coursing through her and then, thankfully, she was able to use her own superspeed to 'borrow' Kara's cape to use as a towel and get redressed herself.

"Okay so, let's never speak of this again. Let's just say that we drank from the fountain and that's that." Sam said.

"Agreed." Kara said, right as they felt themselves being pulled out of the valley.

When Kara and Sam woke up, they found themselves back on the Legion Ship.

"Welcome back. You guys okay?" Mon-El asked as he helped his wife up.

"Yes and no. Good news, we found the fountain and Sam convinced me to drink from it." Kara said.

"So now you're both supercharged." Alex said.

"Yes. The bad news is that while we were in the valley, we discovered that when Reign was separated from me, it actually gave her a way into our world and she also has the powers of Purity and Pestilence along with her own." Sam said.

"Great, so now we have that to deal with." Alex said.

"We beat her once and we'll do it again." Kara said.

"Let's hope so. But now, I think we should focus on our more immediate mission." J'onn said.

"What's that?" Lena asked.

"Getting ready for Superman's wedding this weekend." J'onn said and Kara nodded in agreement, since unless Reign showed up now, her top priority was making sure Clark didn't try to escape the altar.

I know this was a long one, but I wanted to get this arc done so that I could finally move into the Superman and Lois wedding, which will be its own book by the way. Will be posted in place of an update to the Superman and Lois story.

Also, once again, I apologize if any of the content in this chapter offended you, but this is the way I wanted to write it and I think that while it may have been a bit unconventional, I managed to get it to fit in. Don't worry, that will likely be the only case of that sort of content in this series, since I'm not that much of a smut author and I wouldn't even consider this smut. Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter despite that scene.

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