The one where she let's go(⚠T.W⚠)

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry, I really am" He tells me

"I know, It's just I have been dreaming of this night for as long as I can remember. I always pictured myself dancing with you under the enchanted ceiling, with a romantic song in the background. But when the time came you never asked me, you asked Katie. I was Happy for her and you, But deep down I was hurt. I wanted everything to be perfect and just like that everything was gone, So I decided I didn't want to go. I made everyone else their dresses hoping that I would feel better but then I found out I was required to go and I told you I wanted to dance with you and you promised you'd be there. But you weren't and I had to dance with Ron. I'm pretty sure I have as few broken toes he stepped on them so many times" I say sniffling

"Why didn't you tell me any of this sooner?" Fred asks

"Because I'm still mad at you, But I forgive you. It's also because of Ron" I tell him

"He's an idiot. A good for nothing Prat" Fred says

I laugh and he does too.

"You know I like you better with your normal, crazy hair. The hair that can't be tamed" He says playing with a strand of my straight hair

"Go enjoy the rest of the ball" I tell him

He nods and stands up taking a few steps down, he stops and turns to me.

"I just want you to know that I love you" He says before running down to join George and the two girls.

I smile and get up, wiping my tears and going back to find Lupin and Tonks. I walk into the Great Hall to see them slow dancing to a song that is playing. I look around and surprisingly there are still a bunch of kids dancing. I watch as all of my friends, teachers and even my aunt dance with their partners Happily. A small thought pops into the back of my head. 'What if I ended it now, then it wouldn't be so bad for everyone later' and I nod my head slowly before turning around and walking out of the hall towards Gryffindor tower. I climb the stairs quietly and go in through the portrait, Nobody's in the common room so I open the window and climb out onto the roof. I look down and whisper to myself.

"This is for the best, everyone will be safer and happier without you, Harry can take care of little teddy"

I look down one more time before closing my eyes and jumping. At the very last second I decide against it and grab the edge of the window sill catching myself. I try to pull myself up and I struggle. I can feel my grip slipping, I look down below me and see the roof to the barrier leading to the great hall. I try my hardest to pull myself up but I slip and fall the last couple feet onto the roof. I let out a cry as I hear my arm crack.

"What the Hell were you thinking?" I hear someone ask panic in their voice

I turn my head to see Cedric Diggory kneeling down next to me. I sit up and hold my arm that I can't move.

"I was going to kill myself Cedric. I don't want to hurt anyone else and I thought everyone would be better off without me, So I jumped but then I changed my mind. I wanna make the best of what little time I have left, But I couldn't pull myself up and I fell" I say crying.

"Let's go to madam Pomfrey, We won't tell her what happened but you need to get this fixed" He says helping me up avoiding my hurt arm. I let him lead me to wherever he came onto the roof from. I see a large tree in the courtyard that he climbed up and he walked around on the roof to where he was when I fell. I climb onto the tree branch and jump down onto the bench beneath it. I step down and he leads me to the hospital wing to sit down while he goes to get madame pomfrey. I sit down on a bed and start crying when he leaves. A few minutes later he comes in with Lupin, Tonks and Pomfrey.

"I'm sorry" I say through my tears.

Tonks looks at me confused but when she sees that I can't move my arm she covers her mouth, tears daring to roll down her cheeks.

"I jumped so I didn't have to keep everything from everyone anymore, But I changed my mind because I wanna meet Teddy and I want there for you and I wanna be with Fred. I tried to hold on but I didn't have a good grip and I fell" I say sniffling

Madame pomfrey looks at Lupin before pulling out her wand and gently grabbing my arm. She mumbles something under her breath and I feel a sharp pain in my arm. I scream and start crying again.

"You broke your arm, but it should heal with some time. You'll need to drink this and I'm afraid I have to tell Dumbledore" Madam pomfrey says

'No need Madame Pomfrey" Dumbledore says stepping into view

We all look at him and I wipe the tears from my face. Tonks grabs my hand to comfort me.

"I'm sorry Professor" I say

"Mr Diggory, Thank you. Please head up to bed" Dumbledore says looking at Cedric

I smile at Cedric and he nods before turning, walking out of the wing and out of view.

"I know why you jumped, But in order to let you continue here at hogwarts this year I need to know that you won't try something like this ever again" Dumbledore says.

"I promise, Never again" I say holding Tonks hand

He nods and walks out of the wing.

"Elissabeth, You may go back to your dorm. But please come back in a few days and we'll give you more Skele-gro" Pomfrey tells me.

I nod and push myself up off the bed with my good arm and I take the cup of potion that was held out to me.

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