16 - Journal

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It was 7 o'clock by the time Nia got back to her room. She had taken a detour to the Gryffindor tower with Hermione and Ron. Ron sulked the whole way and when they arrived at the common room he stormed off to his dorm. She had stayed for a while, debating with Hermione about the situation with Harry and practicing some spells. After a while of concluding to nothing and exhausting her right wrist, she bid her goodbye and headed for her dorm.

The cold air hit her tanned skin as Nia stepped out of her shower. After a wonderful wash under the warm water, she felt better and refreshed. She dried her body with a soft white towel before wrapping herself up with her silk black robe. Her hair still wet and specs of water dripping from it, she dabbed them away with her towel before drying the cloth with her wand and placing it back on her shelf.

As much as the Hufflepuff loved magic, she loved doing things the muggle way like letting her hair dry naturally.

The brunette reached for the door knob and twisted. As the door slid open, the cold breeze hit her once more, causing her to shudder. She walked to her bedside table and got some matches to light up a small, warm fire, humming a sweet melody along the way.

Once she was done with the fire which lit up a part of her dorm, she proceeded to get out a new match and light up some candles. The sun was on the verge of setting and shone its final rays around her room. She blew the match in her hand, watching the flare die. She then grabbed her wand and flicked it at the matches to vanish them and headed to her desk.

She mentally noted that she needed to send a letter to her dad to send her a new box of matches. She already ran out of all the ones she brung — the ones she stole from her mom's drawer before leaving the house.

Nia took out some ink and a quill from the top drawer and her white journal. The journal her dad had gotten her for her most recent birthday. It was designed with different shades of white, grey and black flowers and vines. She adored it.

It was her dad and her's little thing.

When she was twelve, her dad had bought her her first journal. As soon as she had opened the wrapping and took the book in, she had scurried off to her room and wrote three pages about everything and anything. It didn't take long before that journal filled up. She had immediately begged her dad to get her another.

He promised he'd always get her one as long as she filled up all the pages, and she had always. Each year, on her birthday, he would get her white one like her first ever journal, and now she had a collection of diverse white journals.

This one was her fifth journal.

She flipped through the pages until she found a blank one. It had been a while since she had written in it. The last time was when she had her first kiss with Draco, so it had been a couple of weeks. The Hufflepuff brought her fingers to her lips where his was not even 24 hours ago. She smiled to herself before dipping her quill into the ink and writing away.

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