"Ha! You didn't deny it again!" He yelled. Getting Trixie's attention.

"Should you like anything, sir?" She asked

"I'm good for now, thanks" James answered "sooooo, whatcha doing"

"Your a bitch, you know that right" Sirius sneered

"Yes, Padfoot, I'm aware, just couldn't let you guys do anything" she smirked the big smirk again

I put my head in my hands, James was very annoying sometimes, wait no, most times, i get why lily called him an 'arrogant toe-rag'

"What is that supposed to mean" even though I'm pretty clear of what he was meaning

"Well i didn't want you two shag-"

"Okay! James, I think we are finished here" Sirius interrupted

"But i just got here" James made big puppy dog eyes

"Exactly" said Sirius, sending me a sorrowful look

I took one last sip of my pumpkin juice, and got up to leave, along side Sirius

Causing way to much butterfly's

"Sorry-" Sirius started

"HEY! You forgot something" James shouted catching up to us

"What?" I asked

"ME!" He yelled, making Sirius and I to burst out laughing, still making our way back to the common room

"Do you smell anything sweet" Filches groggy voice came from a near corridor

Causing me to grab Sirius's hand, he didn't let go, but turned away from Filch and Mrs. Norris

James right behind us made a 'aww' noise.

Sirius lead us down the school corridors, once we were far enough from were we heard Filch, we were so close to the corridors.

Then we saw Filch holding up a lantern, from the other end of the corridor


James quickly turned on his heel and lead Sirius and I down the corridors we just ran though and opened a door to a broom closet

Stumbling in, behind Sirius, I tripped over something probably a bucket or broom

Falling to the floor, I accidentally pulled Sirius down with me, landing on top of each other.

"Sorry" i said sheepishly, getting off Sirius

"Hey, come on guys, not while I'm here" James said, after lighting his wand to see what had happened

"James, I just tripped" I tried to come back with but he just brushed it off his shoulder and sent a wink to Sirius which he replayed with a glare

"Now were did those pest go" the groggy voice of Filch said, his foot steps coming closer to the cupboard

I backed up, accidentally brushing my knuckles against Sirius's, he quickly grabbing my hand

That also cause way to much butterflies, after spending a couple hours with Sirius, why were all these feeling coming from?

"Must have gone around here..." Filches foot steps, along with Mrs. Norris's pattering growing quieter

"Guys" James started, taking a quick glance at Sirius's and my hand intertwined, he sent. Yet another wink at Sirius, thinking I dint see "I think we can go" he almost sounded giddy, why?

The New Girl From France -S.BWhere stories live. Discover now