"And all these ghosts, they just wanna, like, party forever and never cross over?"

"I mean, yeah, man. Why would you wanna cross over when you can just..." he stared Alex up and down, "hang out and, you know... hang out forever." He looked the blond boy up and down again. "There's a lot to, um... like here." He got up and walked away.

Alex looked after Willie and Luke crouched next to his friend and said, "Oh, you got a crush on Willie."

"What? No," Alex protested. "No, man, no. We're just..."

"Alex, I'm happy for you."

Alex smiled happily.

Reggie and Odette returned and the former said, "You guys are not gonna believe this, but someone just told us they added a character named Jar Jar!"

"What's a Jar Jar?" Reggie and Odette wondered.

Caleb returned to them and said, "I take it you guys are enjoying yourselves?"

Odette nodded. "Excluding the news that Star Wars has been ruined, yes. We are."

"Yeah, you'd have to be insane not to," Luke replied.

Caleb smiled. "Well, entertainment is our specialty. So, now, I understand there's something I can help you with."

"We hope so," Reggie answered. "There's an old buddy of ours who ripped us off big time, and we wanna make things right."

"Yeah. We want him to look us in the eyes and admit what he did to us," Luke said.

Odette nodded. "Being visible would really help with that."

Caleb chuckled. "Well, sure. I could do that, but we're at a party. Why focus on those who have wronged us when we're amongst friends?" He looked between Reggie and Odette, seemingly able to see something between them. "Now, I understand you guys are talented. I doubt your dream is to settle a score. No, your dreams are big. Bigger than that! You're like me; born to perform in front of sold out crowds. Please sit." The ghosts sat. "What if I were to tell you with the wave of my hand, you could share the spotlight with me and join my house band?"

"We -- we already have a band," Luke replied with a chuckle.

"Yes. Yes. But when you're done performing, you disappear. You cease to exist. No bows, no -- no soaking up the audience. No connecting with the audience. Here, the audience knows what you are. And more importantly, they know how special you are."

"Well, it could be cool to play here."

"Oh, it's not just here -- we party like this all over the world. Tonight, Hollywood. Tomorrow, Paris."

"Ooh lá lá," Reggie and Odette said.

"It is all your dreams come true. Forever," Caleb said as they stared at the ground. "I'm gonna give you some time to think about it. Oh -- make sure to try the sliders. They're to die for." He stood.

Odette frowned. "Wait. We can eat?"

"Here you can." He snapped his fingers and plates of food was brought to them.


"Wait!" Alex cried, grabbing Luke's wrist. "I want the one without cheese."

Odette grabbed another without cheese and inhaled it. "This smells amazing!"

The boys mumbled as they ate while Odette let out an occasional contented sigh.

"Are these good too?" Luke asked with a mouthful of food. "This is a meatball sub. Oh my God!"


Flynn made her way to her friend who was sitting on the floor. "I can only stall for so long. It's eleven o'clock. I think you should just play by yourself. I mean, holograms or no holograms, you will be amazing."

"You saw me the other day. I can't play without them. They'll be here. They have to."

Nick approached Julie before sitting next to her and asked, "Issues?"

"Always," Julie replied. "The machine won't work." Nick grabbed it. "You don't have to-"

He looked at Julie's hand still holding the plug. "Here's the problem." He plugged it in and turned it on and off. "That is useless. You didn't want it plugged in." He stood and helped Julie up.  "Hey, don't let this crowd freak you out." He looked at Julie. "What I saw last time when you played was insane. You got this. I knew you had it in you."

"Wait, what?" Julie asked.

Nick walked onto stage and grabbed the mic from Flynn's hand. "Hey! Everybody! We fixed the hologram thing. Who wants to see a show? Come on. Now... give it up for... Julie and the Phantoms!" Students erupted into a cheer. "Come on. Come on!"

Julie walked onto the stage and Nick gave the mic to her. She spoke into it and said, "Uh... Hi. So here's the thing... Even though I got the machine fixed thanks, to Nick, I can't seem to link up with the guys and girl. Wi-Fi. Am I right?"

Silence fell and Julie continued. "I'm sorry, but... I'm gonna have to cancel."

"What?!" the crowd cried.

"Are you serious?" a girl asked.

"I'm leaving," another girl decided.

Carrie climbed up the steps to the stage. "Um... Anybody know the Heimlich? Julie's choking." The crowd laughed. "Only one way to save this dance." Carrie grabbed the mic. "Who wants to see Dirty Candy?" The crowd cheered.

Carrie tried to turn up the volume, but Flynn intervened and said, "Oops! Knob's broken."

"Did she just do that?" a girl asked.

"Okay," Carrie stated. "Two can play at this game. Party at my house!" She stared at Flynn and dropped the mic.

Nick helped her off the stage, a disappointed expression on his face. Everyone followed her while cheering excitedly.

Flynn stood next to her friend and hugged her shoulders before they to the front of the stage.

"Well, that kind of backfired," Flynn said as the new boy offered his hand to a girl and she accepted. "Oh, I mean, the whole night wasn't a bust. The new guy found someone." The two began dancing. "Little man has game!"

Julie rested her head on Flynn's shoulder.

Unwritten // Julie and the Phantoms (Reggie Peters)Where stories live. Discover now