Chapter 3 Rainbow Herb Hall

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Duriaz and Furiana were surprised at Althea's sudden action.

"Althea is your head hurting again", asked Furiana as she reaches out her hand towards Althea's head.

Althea quickly hold her mother's hand and said, "mother, I m alright, I have to request  something from father and you"

"What is it dear? As long as it is within our power, we will do everything for you", said Duriaz.

" If you are thinking about getting back at your cousins for what they had done to you back at the Baro clan, then you don't have to worry about it. Your grandfather had already punished them", said Furiana patting Althea's shoulder.

"No mother, I am not talking about them. I just want to ask if I can get some money", said Althea awkwardly.

It's not like she is lacking money as the only daughter of the city lord of Alfing city. But to gather the herbs for refining the Earth Grade Revitalizing Pill, she needed a huge sum of money. Besides that, the most important thing she needed now is not the herbs but the pill refining cauldron.

" Althea, if you need anything, then the father can buy for you", said Duriaz.

Furiana hit Duriaz on his hand and said with a smile, "My Lord, our daughter is no more a small kid, she is already sixteen. we should give her privacy on some matters. Just give her how much she needed, what she does with the money is not for us to know"

Althea gave a thumbs up for her mother inside her mind.

Duriaz laughed and said, "haha, you are right my dear. Look at me, I still treat her as a little girl. Althea,  tell Father how much you need"

Althea quickly calculated the money she will need and said, "Fifty thousand Rizas"

A/N: Riza, currency name in the Land of Dura.

"Fifty thousand rizas", shouted Furiana and Duriaz.

Althea realized only now that she had given her parents a scare.  In her previous life, she didn't need to worry about money as the sovereign and for the herbs, she just had to grab whatever she needed from the Medicine hall of the Hall of Mage. But in a remote area like the  Southern region, fifty thousand rizas is a huge sum. Even her father's salary might be around twenty thousand Riza as a City Lord.

Althea pretended to cough and said, "I mean five thousand Rizas Father, it was a slip of tongue"

Saying that Althea grins at them to avoid suspicion.

"My dear, you scared mother"

"So, you need five thousand Rizas, Father will send it to you later", said Duriaz letting out a breath.

"Thank you father, but I need now," said Althea with a grin again.

Duriaz and Furiana looked at each other. They were quite surprised at their daughter's strange demeanor.

"Okay, let me send the steward to get the money", said Duriaz

Steward Gwen got out of the dining room and quickly came back with the money.

Duriaz handed the banknotes to Althea who was looking at it with beaming eyes.

"Thank you, Father, I will be going out to market" saying that Althea ran out of the dining hall excitedly.

"Look at her full of energy, who will believe that she woke up just yesterday from a coma",  said Furiana with a smile looking at Althea's back.

"I feel that she is no longer her old self, she changed a lot after a month in a coma", said Duriaz rubbing his chin.

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