I called Seirra and she picked it up on the first ring. "What happened?" she answered the phone. I told her everything I did in between laughter. "She's going to kill me." I end my story. "Don't worry, she's not going to do anything." Seirra says trying to comfort me. "Who am I kidding, she's going to kick your ass." Seirra says, laughing again. "If you don't hear from me later, call the cops." I joke. "Alright. If you survive, i'll give you your money tomorrow. Well done Elena. Well done." she says, hanging up.

I prepare myself some cereal and sit on the couch, eating. After about 30 minutes, Clark and Beth came downstairs. I watched from the couch as they said goodbye to each other. "I hope you had a great time." he says to her. "Yeah. I'll see you tomorrow." she says, leaning and giving him a kiss. They part and Clark turns to look at me. "Elena." he says, nodding in my direction. "Clark." I say, nodding back. He left the house and Beth watched him walk away. As soon as he drove off, I put my bowl down, anticapating Beth's next move. She closed the door and turned and glared at me. 

I got up quickly and ran to the kitchen. She chased me into the kitchen. I ran around the table and put the table between me and her. "What the hell Elena! Why'd you do that? Seirra was the one who said who'd that." she says, staring me down. "I know. I called her and she told me to do it." I tell her. "And you listened to her?" she asks, moving a little to the left. "She bribed me with money." I tell her, inching to the right. Beth sighs. 

"Why are you here anyways? I thought you spent the night at James' house." she asks, still not retreating. "Well, if you don't attack me, i'll tell you what happened." I say, bargaining with her. "You're going to tell me either way." she states. "True, but still. Truce?" I say, holding out my hand. She looks from me to hand and back to me. "I can't promise anything, but I won't hurt you right now." she says. "Good enough." I shrug.

We head back into the living room and sit on the couch. I began telling her the weekends events. Beth reacted in the way I knew she would. "You should have went back upstairs! You know how much of a hoe you look like, coming down the stairs?" she tells me. "I know, I know." I cringe. "Well, I think he still likes you. I mean, your the first girl he sang to. Thats got to mean something." she says to me. I shrug. "Well, thats why i'm here now. I didn't even eat breakfast." I say, in a mock pained voice. Beth laughed at my stupidity.

"Enough about my weekend, what the hell was Clark doing here? Where's your mom?" I ask her. She grab the pillow next to her and begins messing with a piece of string. "Well, my mom went to my aunts house yesterday and spent the night there. After dinner, Clark came inside to watch a movie and we ended up falling asleep together in my bed." she says, a blush creeping up into her face. 

"Falling asleep my ass. Ya'll had sex." I snort. Beth shrugs, smiling to herself. "Ya'll did have sex! How was it?" I ask, intrigued. "It was good, I guess. I mean, they say your first time sucks but it wasn't that bad. I actually enjoyed it." she says, blushing. "You really like him, don't you?" I ask. She nods, still smiling. "So i'm guessing you forgive him now?" I ask her. She pauses before answering, "I think so. I really want to trust him but it's hard. I mean, he cheated on me with Alexis, then lied about it." she says, frowning. 

"Well, i'm not trying to defend him, but technically, he didn't cheat. Ya'll weren't officially together yet." I say. "I know, but still. He should have told me the truth." she says. I nod in agreement. "Well, if you really love him, then you can forgive him. I mean, you freaking slept with the dude. How can you sleep with him if you don't forgive him?" I say to her. She nods. We sit in silence for a few minutes.

"I can't believe i'm not a virgin anymore." she says, smiling. I roll my eyes at her. "You're officially out of the 'I'm a virgin' crew." I joke. She laughs. "I'm in Megan's and Isabella's group." she says. "Wait, Isabella and Kyle hooked up?" I ask. "I don't know. I just thought since, considering how long they've been together." she answers, shrugging her shoulders. "Oh. They probably have, they just haven't told anyone. You know how they like to keep their relationship private." I tell her. She nods in agreement.

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