the only image that kept flashing in and out of my mental view was her. the small, tight body, the pale skin that stretched across it. the small freckles upon her shoulders and her arms.

the little moles by her hip, forming a little star shape. the shifting change in size of her iris when she took me into view. the arch of her lashes, the tips of them grazing the skin under her eyebrows.

the fact that i just kept on lustfully fantasizing her into scenarios, ones where she would be on her knees, begging for me, made me shake with fear. i did not like that she had such an influence upon my matter.

the last steps i needed to take to our rendezvous area were being dragged out consciously, my heart hammering inside me, my palms sticky with perspiration.

in that room, she will be standing by the window, i predict, awaiting my arrival, arms tucked under her sweatshirt, warming herself in the cool breeze of the open windows.

but what my mind wanted it to be turned out to be was false, making me feel a tinge of disappointment as i entered the space. she was standing by the window alright, but nothing else was what i had envisioned.

"sit.", she orders, not even turning around to know who she was commanding about. her small hand stretched out slowly and pointed to the piano stool that was now in the middle of the room.

i unbutton my cloak and roll my eyes, although she doesn't see it. "now, what makes you think that you have any right to tell me what to do, huh?", i question, slowly stepping towards the chair but not yet giving her the satisfaction of sitting upon it.

"this is my room, malfoy, remember?", she replies almost instantly, as if she had seen that comment coming from miles away. was i honestly that predictable?

she turns towards me slowly, her black and blue robes covering her completely apart from her head. my hands ached to touch her again.

"i'd prefer it if you could actually say my name for once, delany.", i hiss and sit down finally, her mouth growing into a tilted smirk. her hair is tousled, flopping from one side to the other as she takes the necessary steps towards me.

i could pull her onto my lap. i could just reach out and drag her right towards my watering mouth. and she was still dressed as prude as a nun. unbelievable.

"say, what is going on with you this evening?", she laughs as i lean back in frustration, gripping the seat with both hands. i look away from her and i can sense my cheeks growing warmer.

was i blushing? unheard of. it had to be impossible. "just the first match tomorrow, so make it quick and worthwhile, pucey has already his eyes fixated on me like a hawk.", i dismiss and she chuckles.

"well, adrian and i have something in common then.", she whispers lowly and my head snaps back to look at her facial expression.

the smirk was still there and her hands were slowly rising to her cloak buttons, pulling at them minimally. "and as for the worthwhile part, i'm certain we can rearrange for that to happen.", she continues.

her robes finally fall off of her shoulders and she stands in front of me, dressed in simple gray lingerie, the silk shimmering in the moonlight.

"what is this, aster?", i question stiffly and she runs a hand through her hair, moving so her legs were on either side of my own. her other hand moves to my face, cold as our skin comes in contact.

"oh, come on, draco, what happened to the first name basis we were on?", she mumbles and her body sinks slowly so she's straddling me on the seat. my hands grip the stool even harder, my nails slightly digging into the wood.

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