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listen to runaway by aurora


i was shocked when he gave me that command and left. i was so paralyzed, i could barely drag myself into my own bed before i collapsed onto the mattress, sinking into it like a rock.

my thoughts were engulfing me and taking control of my actions and it all seemed to rush so fast, that i couldn't stop it from happening.

his notebook has been clutched in my hand for hours but i can't bring myself to open it up, even though my curiosity was at the edge of killing me.

every time my fingertips grazed over the engraving, the image of his icy eyes piercing into mine flashed through my head, giving me miniature heart attacks at an abnormal rate.

it's like i was cursed, like draco malfoy was haunting and taunting me, laughing at the pain his antics caused me. i wince and shut my eyes.

i have already missed 2 classes, i'm not going to any of my others. i needed my space and time to think, go through my memory frame by frame of his beautiful godlike structure.

i wanted his hands to bury into my waist and for him to shove me so hard against the wall, i can feel my skin of my exposed body scrape along it painfully.

i wanted to kick him and beat him for calling me a waste of space. i had the urge to see him cry and bleed and beg for my mercy.

he cannot meddle about with my sentiments any longer, i will not allow him to. he is just a stupid wizard who knew nothing about me.

he was my antagonist. i should not let myself be fooled into a contract with him, he's as bad as they come.

i sit up and toss the notebook at the door, screaming. "ouch!", a gasp echos and i stare at luna, who had just walked in, a hand over her eye. i jump up and pale, feeling goosebumps raise over my skin.

"oh, merlin, i'm so sorry lune!", i heave and she giggles, bending over to pick up the book. she examines it, raises her eyebrows once and hands it to me. "i know you didn't mean it.", she assures me and i blush.

luna was far too kind hearted to actually be my friend. i don't deserve her goodwill.

she plops down her books on her bed and strides to me, putting one of her graceful hands on my left shoulder, tilting her head. "is everything all right?", she asks me with her soothing voice. "you have a little gloom in your eyes.".

i nod, shutting my eyes in a frown. "all is well, lune, just draco.", i explain monotonically. she nods, seemingly knowing what i mean. she possibly did.

it was hard to lie to luna lovegood, she just could see into your soul.

i smile tightly and sigh, watching her blue eyes glimmer as she looked at me tenderly. "i got a book on chizpurfles from the library recently for you.", i tell her and she almost jumps up with trepidation.

"oh, bless you, delany aster!", she squirms and i walk to my trunk, heaving it open and grabbing the book that laid out at the top. it depicted the beautiful black crab on the green cover and it moved ever so slightly.

i hand it to her and she leers over the cover curiously. "oh my, aren't they just delightful.", she murmurs under her breath and she flips it open carefully. i chuckle and shut my trunk.

she peers back at me. "hermione is waiting for you downstairs in the common room, by the way.", she informs me. "oh, thank you.", i mumble, half in shock.

luna is already laying on her bed, devouring the new book, when i leave the room, pouncing down the stairs. and as she told me, hermione was sitting in one of the armchairs by the window, a bunch of books laying on her lap, legs crossed.

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