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listen to baby came home by the neighbourhood


i don't even know that i'm asleep till i feel my eyes slowly forcing themselves to open up. they pry open a crack and the small amount of light of the room fills it instantly.

i groan and try to lay onto my stomach but a warm obstacle hinders me. it feels like skin on skin and i realize my hand is not wrapped around a pillow like it usually would be.

she's here, breathing slowly, lips slightly parted. her cheek was painted a shade of red, like she was embarrassed even in her sleep to be in near vicinity to me.

my arm is on her waist, resting against her hip my elbow. her hair fanned out behind her like she was running, even though she was immobile.

her chest rises and falls with every in- and exhale she commits to automatically. it was like objecting one of those moving paintings hung up in the stairway.

but there was something about her that i couldn't just quite place my finger upon that made me adore her, hunger after her, in such a way.

what we did was unbelievable. i hadn't known it could feel that good. what made me want to abolish myself was the fact that i knew that she did not come.

i had to swear to myself to make that happen, sooner or later, and every time we should happen to do such a pleasurable act ever again.

i highly doubt it. she hates me. i hate her. it's mutual and this was just a small slip of an accident. wasn't it?

i didn't want to imagine anyone knowing about this. especially not my father, he would burden me and probably exile me from the malfoy name. not that i wanted it, either. but it would bring shame to me.

and i don't think i can place shame on her either.

i slowly sit up and reach across the bed, pulling the duvet over her, rolling her up in it. i get up as quietly as i can as to not disrupt her from her slumber.

i pull on my boxers and my pants, grab my shirt off of the floor and button it up. all while watching her. she was such a peaceful creature when she was in a state of oblivion.

when i crawl back onto the bed, she groans in her sleep and rolls over. she faces me and her eyelids flutter, readjusting to the light as she slowly arose.

"draco?", she whispers and i simply have to smile at her. i put my hand on her face and stroke her cheek, rolling onto my side. "i'm right here.", i tell her.

she nods and scoots closer to my chest, nuzzling her head into my shoulder. she smells just like maple syrup. i wonder how she does it. my hand trails down to her back and i begin to slightly massage her along her spine.

she shifts and looks up at me, squinting. i reach up and push the hair out of her face and smile, chuckling. "what?", i ask her and she frowns.

"i'm naked.", she mumbles and i nod, smirking and tracing her figure with my hand, her smooth skin under mine blazing warm. "you sure are.", i agree.

she presses her lips against my neck and pecks a kiss before rolling out of the bed, getting up and gathering her clothes that were strewn across the floor.

she pulls on her panties and turns to me. her chest was still bare and i sit up on the bed, trying my best to focus on her face rather than her boobs.

"what we did,", she begins, pulling on her tights. she grunts as her skirt falls off of her shoulder and retrieves it, pulling it up her legs, pinning it against her hip as she zipped it up on the side.

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