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listen to dear scarlett by cameron dallas


when i wake up, i feel around the bed for her but she's gone. i groan and shut my eyes again, taking deep breaths, my hand sliding over my eyes.

i wince softly as i get up and run my hand through my hair, which is probably a mop of mess upon my head. i shuffle to my desk and see that all her things are gone.

it's like she was never here. like i had imagined it all in my head. i could hit myself for being so stupid.

of course she would leave as soon as she could. i'll have her know that that is no longer a decision that she is allowed to make, when she leaves, when she hits me, when she talks to me.

no. now i will pull her strings, the ones she so easily handed over to me. i will tell her what to do, when to do it, how to. it is under my control.

she got out of the drivers seat for me to get in and i did. i will.

i pull off my old clothes and toss them across the messy bed, standing there, naked in the rays of the rising sun that pushed through the glass panes of the window.

the way she was curled up there, holding onto me, when i carried her here. the smell of her, that sweet sickly smell of maple syrup that burned through my nose and made my mouth water.

i know that scent is stuck on that pillow, on my sheets. i shut my eyes and i can feel the skin on my knuckles stretch over the joints as i clench my hands to form fists.

why did she run from me? didn't she know that it was not on her account to make that decision? i made that very clear last night.

the happenings flash through my head again, unwillingly, and i jump slightly, opening my eyes again. last night. what did i do?

i took her and i pained her. but she wanted it, too, i know she did. she even nodded, agreed and gave consent. but she howled in agony when i did.

was she showing what a monster i was? was i a monster? i know i'm not the nicest person but was that a wake up call?

i wince again and move to my closet, grabbing a new pair of boxers, pulling them on stiffly. my hair falls into my face and i push it aside, my eyes falling onto a small black box that's shoved in the back corner of the drawer.

i pause when i've pulled the boxers all the way and i take it out of its hiding, tilting it in my hands. my mother gave this to me just before the year started.

i flick the lid open and a few rays reflect on the rather large emerald that is embraced by the bodies of two serpents.

each of the serpents is biting the others tail, forming a stable frame for the gem. i sit down on the bed and pull the necklace out of the box, glimpsing at it.

the gem is light in my hand and i flip it over, the malfoy family crest beaming at me. i sigh and put it back into its place hurriedly. was i a monster?

snapping the box shut, i hurry back over to my closet and toss it back in as someone knocks at my door. i grab a pair of dress pants and pull them on.

the knocking gets louder with every passing second and i roll my eyes. "for fucks sake, shut up!", i scream at the door and the knocking stops just before the door opens.

blaise walks in and shuts the door behind him, holding out his divination book. "we have class, you wanker.", he hisses and i show him the finger before turning back to my closet.

pulling out a fresh blouse, blaise wanders over to my desk and looks at my notebooks, reading them attentively. i tighten my tie and pull over my sweater, picking up my robes before turning to him.

Snitch | Draco Malfoyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें