4: Growing in every sense of the word

Start from the beginning

Izuku calmed at this and tilted her head to silently ask if he was trustworthy, Shinrai silently responded with partly, so Izuku decided to reveal her face and leave it there for the moment. She let Venom come back into her body, with the man letting out a small gasp and quite a few apologies for assuming her gender.

Straight away they went back to negotiations, he wanted her to head up a specific subsidiary support company specifically for her designs, making them a reality. This let Izuku seamlessly introduce Mei and let her demonstrate her inventions which brought to life a few of Izuku's many idea shocking both of the men there. They instantly wanted her in but they technically couldn't as she was underage, however they could have her as Izuku's partner, giving her total freedom as an inventor while not being subject to needing to hold a support licence.

As the meeting reached its hour mark and the details of Shinrai's technical promotion so he could monitor them just to be on the safe side, the older mans phone rang and a smile grew across his face however as soon as he brought it out.

At this sight Izuku grew quiet and reserved, focusing on the ground. Her whole demeanour seemed to shift to that of a submissive servant being punished, Shinrai noticed this and decided to wait until after to ask about it. Meanwhile the man connected his phone to a larger screen and started the video call.

'UNCLE DAVID?!' Izuku gasped snapping out of her stupor

'IZUKU' The man yelled back from the screen

'Well this makes things much easier' Shinrai commented offhandedly

'Izuku what's going on, why are you there? I had a meeting with a Mr Venom?'

'Silly uncle, I'm not a Mr'

'Wait what's going on, Izuku please explain?' Mei, both men in the room and David asked at the same time.

'Well that's my uncle, David shield, I haven't seen him in years as Toshinori never visits I-Island and well... I never had any way to keep contact with Meli, David's daughter so we haven't spoken in a while,' this raised red flags for both Shinrai and David, 'and to answer you uncle, I left home due to some issues and changed my name, ALSO I GOT A QUIRK!' She yelled as she remembered he didn't know yet. What followed was another catch up session where the boss came to know more about Izuku's lineage and home-life while David's knowledge on Izuku's childhood or rather lack of one grew exponentially. Needless to say the two men were fuming by the end of it.


'Mhm, please don't tell them though uncle, I'm happy and I don't want to go back' Izuku pleaded

'Fine, but you're coming to next year's I-expo, when you no doubt will get into U.A., I'll arrange three tickets'

'Three?' Shinrai asked

'One for you as a thank you and two for the girls, I want to meet the person whose grown so close to my niece so fast' David explained

'Of course uncle, could you not tell Meli till I get there though, I want it to be a surprise!'

'Sure kiddo, now what was the reason for this call anyways, apart from reuniting us, OH YES, you wanted to partner with us to help build some of Izuku's more eccentric devices and mass produce them to the world, I would see no problem then in a 50-50 split, especially with family.' Someone called him from off-screen, 'Sorry though I have to go, Shinrai please get my number though I want to make sure those two stay safe ok?' Shinrai nodded his head as the call ended, the boss stood up and excused himself as he had to go digest all of this is a much less fun environment, a board meeting to be precise.

Once he left Izuku and Mei got up to follow suit but a glance from the man at the desk stopped them both as he gestured for them both to take a seat.

'Izuku, when he pulled out his phone what happened?' Shinrai asked very concerned

'Phone?' Izuku questioned, 'Oh the grey box which I'm not allowed to have. Sorry I was told that I was too useless and pathetic, they also shouted at me whenever they were talking on one so as soon as I see one I learnt to put my head down and remain silent.'

Mei and Shinrai look at the girl sympathetically, they knew they couldn't even begin to imagine the hell she lived in but they knew as sure as 1+1 is two they would do their best to help her. As these thoughts ran through their heads Venom came out.

'Kid, remember what we talked about?' Venom asked

'Yes Venom, sorry Venom' Izuku replied meekly

'Kid this isn't your fault its theirs, you have nothing to apologise for, just remember you aren't useless are you're worth more than even your fake of a father'

Izuku smiled at this, snapping the other two out of their revenge fantasies. Seeing her smile was enough for them, though it did give Shinrai an idea, opening his desk drawer he took out an older but still reliable phone, popping in one of the company sims. After a few minutes typing on his computer he handed the phone to a shocked Izuku.

'Here' He said, 'All yours, it may not be the newest or fanciest but it's served me well, plus I've set it up so it's on the company but available for your personal use I'm sure sir won't mind, especially since your proving to be such a major asset, not to mention the impression you made on him, I wouldn't be surprise if he rejects any interaction with the your parents as heroes from now on anyways'

Izuku took the phone and started crying, scaring the two of them until Venom popped out.

'Don't worry, these are happy tears, she can't say it but she's very happy and thankful for the two of you' He said showing off his toothy grin.

The two headed out and back home where Izuku set up the two futons together for her and Mei to sleep on, preparing a snack feast as well since Mei managed to sneakily order a PC with an extra larger monitor specifically for watching movies with a very isolated teen.

And watch they did, I mean it's not like they even needed school anyways, who does when you're set to become one of the richest people in the world.

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