Episode 2: Protectors of the Realms

Start from the beginning

They ran up to houses and started banging on the doors. The monsters slowly but surely advanced on them for every house they went to.

The reached a house on a hill top and banged begging for help. All the other houses were locked. Just as it seemed all hope was lost, the door did open and a figure commanded the heroes to enter.
The door was locked and the monsters were left growling, snarling and hissing outside.
The heroes turned to their mysterious savior. He was a boy, a young man to be more specific.
He had black hair and blue and orange eyes. He had a little scarf that could be doubled as a mask. His suit had a colour scheme of orange and blue, with a Phoenix symbol on his chest. One side was blue and the other orange. Like the symbol, his sleeves also had orange on one wrist and blue on the other.

 Like the symbol, his sleeves also had orange on one wrist and blue on the other

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"Who are you?" Ivor asked.

"Time for introductions and friendliness will come soon," the stranger said, "right now you need to heal and rest."

Within the hour, the group had eaten, healed, gathered their thoughts and went to bed, their dreams consisting of the events that happened to them.


Morning came and Harper sat on the roof of the house. The sun rose over the ocean gracefully.
The smell of burning flesh and bones reeked in the air as the monsters succumbed to the heat and light of the sun.
This world looked a lot like home, what with it's mobs and seas and homes, except it wasn't.
Thoughts raced across the old woman's head. How was she going to get herself out of this situation? Would she really have to face off against her horrifying creation again?
These thoughts were interrupted when Soren came to tell her that breakfast was ready.
After eating and freshening up, it was time for some explanations.

"While we thank you for saving our butts last night, we still want to know, who are you?"
"Oh sorry, where are my manners?" The stranger said, "my name is Phoenix, I am the supposed "protector of this realm" but I'm not the best."
"Why do you say that?" Gabriel asked.
"Well..." Phoenix said as he gave his story.

"A long time ago. I had a master. He taught me the ways of the Ninja. He told me that if I were to protect this world, I needed to learn martial arts to be a warrior. Things were going great until.... Until Mothma."

"Who is Mothma?" Soren asked curiously.

"Mothma was a giant moth," Phoenix continued, " she terrorised these land and everything that moved was destroyed. Every hero that went up to face her met a brutal end.
She wiped out an entire village, all by herself. I'm pretty sure you guys passed an abandoned village on your way here, within the mountains, yeah, that was her nest.
My master couldn't take it anymore. He couldn't stand by and watch innocent people suffer. So, both of us went to confront Mothma ourselves.
The battle was insane, her mandibles were as heavy as concrete and her wings caused winds like a hurricane.
At one point, we even got on her back as we flew through the mountains and cliffs, trying to avoid getting our heads chopped off by the jagged rocks.
In the end, my master landed the finishing blow but that victory came at a cost. During the fight, Mothma gave my master a good beating, usually he's strong he could walk it off but on that day, the big moth got the best of him. Shortly after Mothma died, I also lost my master. They day of my greatest victory was also the day of my greatest loss.
Enraged and ashamed, I took the carcass of the beast and skinned it. I took off its wings and crafted them to suit my needs. I made my own wings, I now have the ability to fly."

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