Jungkook whizzed through the road. Perhaps he started to contemplate how truly precious one’s life is, and slowed down little by little. I felt relieved — put away my look as though I was greedy for life and afraid of death, and switched it to a tranquil face as though I was accustomed to seeing strong winds and big waves.

The entire drive to my place went in silence, Jungkook finally stepped on the brakes and said, “We’ve reached.”

As I was undoing my seatbelt, I thanked him as well, “Thank you for the dinner and for sending me back.”

To this he nodded faintly, there was no sign of wanting to initiate small talk with me. I opened the car door preparing to get off, my feet haven’t even stepped on the ground when my phone rang. Hence, I was fishing for my phone inside my bag while getting off the car, only when I got on the ground did I manage to find my phone, it was Taehyung.


“Lisa, did you got home?” Taehyung’s voice was indistinct.

“Just arrived.” I turned around and closed the car door. Just as I was about to lean on the car window to wave Jungkook goodbye, the car lurched forward like a shooting arrow, leaving a cloud of dust on its wake.

“……conspicuous.” A bunch of indistinct words from Taehyung went through my ears, I put down my hand that was hanging mid-air with a wry smile, “Speak properly, I can’t hear you clearly.”

Taehyung said, “I’m eating ice cream, I said I was afraid Doctor Jeon giving you a lift was to destroy your corpse not leaving any marks. After all, when doctors kill, they’re the most inconspicuous.

I replied with a snigger, “You’re such a girl, actually eating ice cream.”

“Who said eating ice cream is girly!” Taehyung yelled, “My dad also eats ice cream!”

I laughed heartily, “It only proves that your dad also has feminine qualities.”

“Hey, when it comes to my dad, I only feel sad.” I could detect from Taehyung’s voice that he was laughing. “I’ve always suspected that him marrying my mom, and giving birth to noona & I were just a pretense. I also made my brother-in-law take away my dad for his research. It’s a pity he did not dare do so.”

“It’s better to have given birth to a piece of barbecued pork than you.” I replied while almost turning my bag upside down, looking for the building key. “Hey, is there anything else? I can’t find my key, I have to concentrate in looking for it.” 

“Nevermind, you’re so heartless, bye.” Taehyung’s words were indistinct. I reckon he ate ice cream again.

Bye.” I threw my phone into my bag, and was rummaging through it under the faint light emitted by the lamp post when suddenly, a car was approaching with its headlights glaring. I subconsciously grabbed my bag to block my eyes with. I thought the car was just going to pass by quickly, but it came to a stop not far away, its headlights were not turned off and seemingly looked brighter and more dazzling. I tried hard to adjust my sight on the strong light and slowly lowered my bag, looking at the person in the strong light beam walking unhurriedly towards me.


The Jungkook that accompanied me through my most pure, most beautiful years. The Jungkook who is my favorite, looking as though he just crossed over the merciless times, the prehistoric universe, and was suddenly standing in front of me again.

I bit my lower lip with a wry smile. It’s no wonder that in action movies, cops love to use bright lights when interrogating criminals, it turns out that it could help make people want to instantly pour out and reveal some things buried in the depths of one’s mind.

“Lisa.” Jungkook called out my name whilst looking at me.

I lifted my gaze to meet his, put on a strong act, and smiled at him with such calmness, “Why did you turn around back here?”

I desperately tried to suppress the surging from deep inside my heart, I desperately tried to ignore the voice in my heart that continuously clamored at me to chase back this stupid guy who wants to take my life.

He reached out his hand to me, and opened his palm, “You dropped your keys in my car.”

“It probably fell out when I was looking for my phone.” I picked up the keys from his palm. “Thank you.”

In the movies, those travel-worn male leads who are on their way home, would never return just to hand over a key. I really am not fated to become the female lead.

Jungkook, however, didn’t turn away like what I have imagined, he was just standing there looking at me, which made me strongly doubt if I ought to give him a bow or kneel in front of him in order to express my gratitude.

I also don’t know how long it took before he said, “Lisa, I’m very busy, I have a lot of things to do, do you understand?”

I smiled apologetically, “I understand, I’m sorry for troubling you to make another trip.”

He still did not budge, “You know I’m not talking about this.”

I shook my head, “I don’t know.”

His face suddenly looked angry, “Do you have to make me explain it to you clearly?”

I nodded, “Explain clearly.” 

He’s really angry, because when he gets angry he would squeeze his mouth tight which would make a dimple slightly deeper than that of when he smiles, appear. I zeroed in on the dimple which looks darker than the rest of his face in this backlit state when my heart suddenly had a strange impulse. Before I could react, I’ve long reached my hand out to poke his dimple twice with my index finger.

He certainly did not expect me to suddenly do such an action because I also didn’t see that coming too.

What both of us didn’t expect made us very shocked, so he was looking at me, and I was looking at him, in mutual silence.

Finally, he let out a cough twice, “What do you mean?”

I casted him a sincere look, “I really don’t know.”

Jungkook gave a long sigh, and grudgingly said, “Why do you not know anything at all?”

I bit my lips and replied, “Since you know everything, you tell me.”  

He stared at me for a moment with a complex expression, looking as though he had made up his mind on something and is determined, like he’s about to smash an already cracked pot to pieces, he said with a deep voice, “Apologize to me.” 

I froze for a moment, “What?”  

“Apologize to me.” He repeated with his deep voice. 

I found it a bit unbelievable, using such calm and collected, mature voice for a childish request like this, acting as if it’s the rightful thing to do, what’s up with him?  

“Apologize.” He urged impatiently.

When it comes to Jungkook, I always have this indescribable feeling of being small, this feeling makes me involuntarily take his every word, so I squeezed the key tightly in my hand and uttered in a low voice, “I’m sorry.”  

He breathed a sigh of relief, “There won’t be a next time. Got it?”

I nodded, with a vague feeling that we don’t seem to be talking about the same thing, as a matter of fact, we’re really not talking about the same thing as Jungkook suddenly gave me the most gentle smile, and said, “Come over here.”  

I didn’t know I’ve already taken two steps towards him, he leaned over, and kissed me.

It’s quite a long kiss, if I have to describe it, I think it’s like I swallowed roughly around a can of cola of Jungkook’s saliva.

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