Mattia: cause she literally just got home, she's in the shower.

Ale: yeahhh they're definitely fucking after this.

I laughed and later got off.

I went into the bathroom to see Nevaeh in a sweatshirt and lace underwear, brushing her wet hair into a bun.

Nev: knocking isn't a thing anymore?

She turned around, looking at me as I came in the bathroom and closed the door behind me.

Mattia: nope.

I went behind her, hugging her and laying my head on her shoulder.

Mattia: you look really good without makeup y'know?

I got no response back.

Nev: what's all of this for? You're being clingy.

Mattia: to show you that I'm sorry

Nev: y por qué

Mattia: for making you pop off in the car.

Nev: yeah I'm sorry about that.

Mattia: don't apologize, it was my fault.

I looked at her through the mirror and started kissing her neck.

She laughed and tried pushing my head off of her neck.

Nev: stop, you're gonna make me like you.

Mattia: at least I made you laugh.

Nev: cause it tickles, stoppp.

Mattia: you can't resist me and you know it.

Nev: Mattia for real, stop.

Mattia: you seem moody.

Nev: cause I'm pissed, I can't find my fucking sunglasses.

Mattia: where were they last?

Nev: in my car, and you know who last drove my car?

Mattia: you?

Nev: no, the fucking valet for your office before me, and I told you to tell them-

Mattia: "if they mess up or get anything on my fucking Rolls Royce, I will hunt them down and make them clean it until it shines like it should" that's what you told me.

I said, mocking what she had told me the night I gave her car to valet.

Nev: I also asked you to fix the-

Mattia: no, it's valet not the fucking car shop, I'll get the leds fixed next week.

Mattia: you're so fucking bougie, ugh.

She rolled her eyes.

I tried kissing her neck again but she pushed my head up, and finished putting her hair in a bun.

I grabbed her by the throat making her look at me as I kissed her.

Mattia: why are you playing hard to get?

Nev: I'm not playing anything, I'm just not gonna let you fuck up my emotions again.

Mattia: but I apologized, I gave you-

Nev: that doesn't matter because all I asked for was time and affection, you're the one that went out of your way to buy me all that shit to make up for never paying me any attention.

Mattia: and then you left which gave me time to get my life together and now I'm better and i've changed.

She started laughing

Nev: you know it really amuses me each time I hear those words.

Mattia: all I'm asking for is another chance that's all

Nev: fine.

Mattia: really?

Nev: mhm, just know we aren't anywhere near being a couple again.

She looked at me through the mirror

Mattia: as long as you know the spot is reserved for me and only me.

Nev: just get in line babe.

Mattia: ouu you make me so mad.

She laughed.

Mattia: and don't act like didn't see that you're wearing the chain I bought you with my initials on it.

I smirked at her

Nev: I don't know what chain you're talking about.

She said as she started walking out of the bathroom, tucking the chain in her sweatshirt.

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