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Anna: kk

They both leave to get dressed and I walk downstairs to see Mattia editing the YouTube video and Devyn eating cereal.

I go into the fridge and get the rest of Mattia's food he ordered last night.

Nev: Devyn I don't think I told you but Anna and Cynthia are going to the mall.

Dev: ohh cool cool ima go get dressed.

Devyn went upstairs and I took my food out of the microwave.

Mattia: you aren't going with them?

Nev: no, I'm gonna watch Netflix.

Mattia: come here.

Nev: no thank you.

I take my food and walk upstairs as Mattia shut his computer and followed behind me.

I attempted to shut the door on him but he pushed it open before it closed.

Nev: noo

Mattia: what is your deal?

Nev: you are the one who completely ignored me after the YouTube video soo what is your deal?

Mattia scoffed and grabbed me and pushed me inside the room against the wall.

Nev: I really do not want to argue today.

Mattia: then stop avoiding me.

Nev: then stop doing the same to me.

Mattia: can we just stop this I'm literally so fed up with this arguing and fighting shit.

Nev: You cannot blame this on me when you never tell me anything.

Mattia: oh fuck off, I literally tell you everything.

Nev: oh really?

Mattia: mhm

Nev: oh ok well did you tell me what happened at hunter's house? Oh and what about the question I asked you during the YouTube video what about that?

Mattia stayed quiet.

Nev: exactly Mattia, so you need to fuck off

I tried pushing him off of me and his grip on my hand got tighter.

Nev: mattia let go.

Mattia: can we please end this?

Nev: I don't know will you fucking let me go?!

Mattia: if you tell me we can end our arguments like this!

Nev: Mattia do you not trust me? Why won't you tell me anything?

Mattia: I don't have the time for this right now.

Nev: you are the one who pushed me into this and now you won't talk?!

Mattia looked at me with anger in his eyes and did not let go of my hands

Nev: Mattia let go I'm done talking if you won't.

Just then Mariano and Rob came in the room.

Mar: Mattia let go of Nevaeh, I have no idea what the fuck the problem is but it needs to stop.

Rob: seriously this is unhealthy.

He let me go and I grabbed my Keys and leave the room.

Mattia: where the fuck are you going?

I completely ignored him and left and walked to my car and called Jabez.

Calling Jabez🙃

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