22 || Baki baki

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"Nice kill, Suna!" You called out to the player, jogging up to him as his spike had won the final set of that match.

You swung a towel around the sweaty boy's shoulders.

"Our last day here is done, huh?" Inarizaki was leaving two hours earlier, since their trip was the longest.

Suna nodded at you with a slight smile. "Unfortunately."

"Aaahhh I'll miss everyone..." You cried out quietly with a pout.

Suna pat your head. "Next time."

As the boys got to shower and change, you waited outside, deciding to head to the final dinner with them which was right before when the bus was scheduled to arrive, not caring if Atsumu would talk to you or not. The managers already had eaten together, but you still wanted to spend time with them as well as the other teams before leaving.

"Heyo, my little buddy!"

You turned around to see Tendou waving at you.  "Oh, hi!"

"Then swallow your pride and apologize!" Osamu whipped his sweaty shirt on his brother's bare back, the other members in Inarizaki not even paying attention since this kind of commotion was common.

"Ew! And no!"

"Why not!?" Osamu repeated the action once more.

"It's embarrassing!"

"You're embarrassing!" Osamu stuffed his clothes into his bag as Atsumu finally was able to slip his shirt on.

Kita calmly approached Atsumu, surprising both twins.

His hand landed and clasped on the blond twin's shoulder. Kita's aura radiated something sinister. "I hope you don't forget what I told you."

Atsumu's eyes widened.

"I know that she is important to you. So please keep treating her well."

"I do love her a lot..." Atsumu whispered.

"More than your pride?" Osamu hinted.

"More than my pride..." The boy sighed in defeat.

Atsumu headed outside first after feeling motivated to finish and find you as soon as he could. He turned the corner, but quickly stepped back to hide his figure behind the wall as he saw you talk to the redheaded Shiratorizawa player.

"But, anyways, I'm glad we talked last night." Tendou looked down at you.

"Last night?" Atsumu whispered as he gripped the side of the wall.

"Oh, yeah me too." You returned the happy expression.

"I've had dinner early, so I'll be going to the room after this," Tendou mentioned. "But..." He leaned down closer to you.


"CHAN!?" The boy watching screamed a tiny whisper. Oops, his grip chipped off a piece of the wall. "Shit-!"

The sly blocker grinned at the noise of chipped material falling to the floor. He already knew who it was.

If Tendou wasn't able to have you, that was fine. He no longer minded the liking he took to you.

But, he wanted to break anyone who broke someone as precious and helpless as you.

It was a plus for him anyway; disheartening his competition for volleyball. He hoped his rival would never be as strong on the court after this. Tendou knew sooner or later Shiratorizawa would face Inarizaki, and he would be more than satisfied if he knew he had helped the team to victory, even in the most indirect way.

His lanky fingers slowly cradled your chin, bringing his gaze to perfectly be aligned with yours.. "Don't forget about my promise."

Baki baki no ore...

He leaned to close the gap with his lips resting on your forehead. As he did so, his eyes momentarily met Atsumu's. They were squinted, hinting that he was most likely smiling as he kissed you.

He parted from you to see your expression. Your face was bright red as your dumbfounded face was unable to say anything.

Nani wo?

Tendou waved a final time, whispering a "good night" and heading to his dorm. He passed Atsumu who was backed up to hide himself from you. Tendou's smirk was wider than before, as he disappeared into the building.

Devastated, Atsumu looked back to you. Your back was still facing him. He watched as you looked at the ground with your hands on your cheeks, proving that you were flustered and trying to calm yourself.

Kokoro wo dayo~


Hello yes this chapter was cut short because I cAn't handle writing Tendou being a ding dong douche aaaAahahfjsksk Tendou's too pure for that this is the most I'm writing before I get carried away 🧎‍♀️

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