6 || A safe space

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Your senses only heightened and became more intense, and it was visible by your flinch, hands still on your head looking down.

"H-hey, it's ok... Calm down, it's alright, you're gonna be alright." The voice that called to you became soft and smooth, as you felt a slow and light hand rest on your back, circles being created as it rubbed across the fabric of your clothes.

"It's ok, I'm here." The voice whispered. "Just focus on me, ok? Focus on my voice and block everything else out."

A few minuets passed, and you began to memorise the patterns of rubs as they repeated, and only began hearing comforting and hushing noises.

And moments later, you were finally able to recognise the voice.

"Atsumu..." Your was head still faced down, but unlike before, you could make out the bumps between the floor tiles and the slight change of hues. Now only the corners of your eyes were blurred.

"Yeah?" The boy replied quietly. So quiet that it was almost out of character.

"Sorry, ahah, if uh... yeah I just made this uncomfortable for you..." You forced out a discreet sounding laugh.

"What? Nonono, I wanna make sure you're okay!" Despite his tone being urgent, he still didn't shout. It was surprising how well he read the atmosphere.

You embarrassedly wiped your face with your sleeves before looking up at him crouching close in front of you. The almost sunken sunset illuminated his strands of hair and body, though all you could pay attention to was how concerned his face was. You wondered why he seemed to care so much.

"Um... You and Osamu..." Your eyes trailed aside.

"Ah, Kita put us in our place, don't worry. But I didn't know if freaked you out that much. Is my voice really that scary?" A nervous smile plastered his face as he tilted his head to try to face you.


"Eh!?" His whisper shout came out almost like a raspy squeak.

You softly giggled. "Just kidding, no, it isn't. Your voice is nice..." Your eyes glanced up at him through your entangled strands of hair streaming down your forehead.

Thank goodness the sunset was already pinkish, because Atsumu's face was just as red as yours just a moment ago, but for different reason.

"It was just the arguing. Don't worry about it." You sighed, hoping that the rest of your stress would leave with the along with the air you let out.

"...hm..." Atsumu hummed as he didn't remove his hand from your back as you both stood up. He knew it wasn't his place to ask for an elaboration.

You rubbed your sleeves on your face one last time, hoping your cheeks weren't stained by the layer of tears you just shed. His hand gave you one last rub before finally coming off your back as he was about to hold the handle of the door to go back inside, but you intervened. You softly poked the back of his shoulder, finger lingering there for a second because of his unusually long reaction time.

He looked at you questioningly.

"Is my face red?" He saw you ask, your head tilted up to meet his gaze.

"Hmm... is it?" He smiled sweetly and leaned down closer. A lot closer. He hummed a chuckle and stood up straight. "Whoops, now it is."

You palmed his chest, taking a step to the door.

Atsumu's only thought was why the only way he thought he knew how to brighten up the mood was to tease you. He overthought his gesture until he saw your hand still resting on the door handle.

"Don't worry, we're all packing up. Kita said we needed to calm down so practice is ending early."

"We as in you, but ok." You coldly opened the door and stepped forward.


Just as he said, the team was packing up, with half of the members already walking out the door.

Atsumu gave a single pat on your head before jogging to collect his stuff and head into the changing rooms, since everyone was already done and he didn't want to get left behind. Though he wouldn't mind if you were still there.

Kita approached you wearily. "(L/n), are you alright?"

"Huh? Ah, yeah." You had the urge to flip your thumbs up gesture at him right down, but of course you didn't.

"Hm, if anything bothers you please do say. I wouldn't want my team to trouble you, especially since you're doing us a huge favour by letting us practice here."

"Oh no it's my pleasure having you guys here. Don't worry I'll tell you if anything else bothers me."

He nodded, turning to Osamu, the last one to be packing up leave, not including Atsumu. "Wait for your brother." He said before walking out the door.

Osamu tied his school jumper around his waist, then finally made eye contact with you for the first time today.


All you two did was exchange a deadpan wave.

That was painfully awkward. You both thought.

You heard a sigh come from the side, and you say Atsumu changed and ready to leave.

The three of you walked home without a word. You all were exhausted, mostly emotionally, so it was excusable, plus it wasn't the most uncomfortable silence you've experienced.

Just as before, you reached your stop and turned to the twins to wave goodbye, though this time they escorted you all the way to outside your apartment complex. The two stood there until you were inside.

Osamu breathed in,

but Atsumu immediately cut him off.

"Don't start."

「 Sunshine 」|| Atsumu Miya x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now