17 || Cheer you up

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You and Atsumu were sprawled out on the couch of your living room as the television played background noise that neither of you paid attention to.

At some point you had jokingly stole the hat he came with, and now had it on, as both of your heads were resting on the centre of the sofa, with your legs dangled on opposite sides of the bumps of the armrests. It was nice just lazing around again, but this time with someone.

"(Y/n)..." Atsumu's head turned to you.

"Hm?" You had your arms up as you laid, watching them moving them around in pure boredom.

"You seem to be taking it pretty well."

"..." Your hands slowly lowered onto your chest.

"A-Ah, am I wrong...?"

"Nah. Strangely, you're right. Cuz my dad did the same... and I'm like welp the sequel's never as good anyway."

Atsumu wondered how you could say something like that so casually. He shuffled back up to sit on the couch properly, looking down at you. "Your dad also...?"
(A/n: oh my god only now did I notice the comment pointing out that I typed shit instead of sit I'm laughing so hard I'm so sorry)

"Yeah. But I'm not exactly sad anymore that my mom did too. Kinda just... salty?"


You sighed. "I don't know either, at the same time I'm already used to people leaving by now... but, I also don't wanna see her again cuz it's kinda infuriating."

The fact that you said you were used to people abandoning you made Atsumu want to bawl.

He lifted your head slightly. "Uh- Tsumu-?" You asked. He positioned himself closer to you, as your head now rested on his legs, his back on the pillows of the couch while he looked down at you.

He rested a hand on your head. "You're a really strong person, (Y/n)..."

"Bro I literally can't lift up weights for my life."

"Wha-? No, I meant mentally, dumbass!" He laughed softly, bopping his fist into your forehead.


You stared up as he removed his fist on your forehead. "Not really, though." You sighed quietly.

Atsumu stared at the yellow and white bouquet that was potted next to the TV, not really paying attention to the voices of the broadcast. "Just because you break down doesn't mean you're weak. It's the fact that you keep going that makes you strong." He looked down at you with an unreadable expression. "That's why I think you're strong."

You didn't know what to say, and he decided to continue talking.

"It's like volleyball! If you don't win, you're only a loser of you stop trying. But if you work hard to improve, you're not losing at all."

By his tone, you could tell how much love he had when talking about anything volleyball related.

Oh to be a sport.

"Your mind is amazing, loser." You smiled as you brought your hand up to tap his nose.

His eyes crossed as he watched your finger on his nose, feeing his cheeks become warm. Why was everything you did so cute to him?

He averted his eyes as he chuckled. "You're the loser, loser." Now it was his finger that went to boop your nose.

You both just stayed there for a few seconds, fingers on each other's noses, before both snorting and letting out giggles as you put your hands down.

A few minutes of comfortable silence later, Atsumu checked his phone.

"11:30!?" He had hopped off your couch aggressively, but accidentally shoved your laying figure off it too, your body reaching the floor with a thud.


"Ahah shit! Sorry!" Atsumu sheepishly laughed as he bent down to you and held your arms to help you up.

"Dipshit." You stared at him.

"Eh!? What are you, my brother?" Atsumu asked at your insult.

"Oh, you mean the cooler twin?" You put a hand in front of your mouth that was curved into a sly smile as your eyes looked away.

"C-cooler!? (Y/nnnnn)!" The lesser twin whined.

You laughed, taking his hat off you and shoving it into his head, covering his eyes momentarily.

You held the handle of your door, not quite ready for the boy behind you to leave. So you turned to thank him one last time.

You didn't say anything, but smiled as you held your arms out, making little grabby motions with your hands, signalling for a hug.

CUTE!~ Atsumu thought, happy accepting the gesture as he cradled you.

"Thanks." He heard your muffled voice against his shirt.

"I'm glad I could cheer you up, (Y/n)."


Ahhghg ik it's sucky

「 Sunshine 」|| Atsumu Miya x ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu