13 || Unlucky

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Your eyes scanned the note, tracking the writing over and over again. It was barely a paragraph long. The writing was clearly rushed without care.


I'm really proud of you. I just needed to see you doing well before I could leave you be, just to be sure that you can take care of yourself while you're alone. I hope you can forgive me ♡

It was only after the tenth time you re-read the note that you looked away from it. You hadn't even realised that tears were flowing out from your eyes.

She had the nerve to draw a heart at the end? As if that helps...

She had the nerve to repeat your trauma, right when you were at a stage that you were recovering better than ever. And now, it was as if you shifted back to square one.

"...Why..." You frustratedly crumpled the paper with both your hands, immediately stretching it back open and looking down at it again. You didn't want to let go of it.

"Mom..... w-why...?" Your voice cracked as your head hung low, allowing your sight to avoid the darkness caving in.

It was just like before. Everything was happening at once and you couldn't keep up. Your hands were shaking, your breath became unsteady, the room became pitch black and suffocated you. And this time, nobody was there to snap you out of it.




"Until we can get a lead, we can't tell you anything about her whereabouts." The police officer gave you the honest details.


Through the window of the station you could see that the moon was high, signalling that the night approached its peak. Your panic αtrack earlier that day lasted almost two hours, so you were drained to say the least, which was why the investigation started so late.

"Those papers on the floor seemed to be photocopies of fake ID's, so we presume it'll be hard to track her down." The officer explained as he attempted to pat your back comfortingly. Though, police aren't trained to comfort people like this.


"I wanna go back home." Your voice was raspy form how much you've cried.

"We can wait until after the group gathers the evidence to let you back in there, alright?"

You sighed.

"Do you have any other guardians to take care of you?"

You shook your head as you let out a stubborn grunt. "I can take care of myself."

"You know that's not the best idea."


The officer sighed. "I'll see what I can do."


"Thankfully I've managed to convince them to let you stay by yourself due to your existing sustainable income without any parental assistance. Your school will be informed tomorrow morning in preparation for the following week."

Some stranger in front of you was lecturing you.

You still sat on the station's uncomfortable and hard chair, arms wrapped around your knees as your feet rested on the edge. "Mhm."

"However, if anything happens to you our you are the slightest bit concerned, we will have to refer you to your most nearby guardian."

"Mhm." You hugged your legs tighter.

"... It is important that you inform us if you find anything that could help the investigation, such as that small note."



"Again I'm sorry this has happened to you." The same police officer from hours ago was the only one you properly replied to, so he escorted you back to your complex building.

"Don't say it as if she's dead or something." You snapped harshly. "She'll be back once you find her."

You unlocked the entrance, turning back to the officer with a guilty frown. "Sorry."

"It's fine, you have every right to be upset right now."

"...Thanks for your help."

He nodded at you before you turned back around, heading upstairs and to your apartment.


Your fingers hovered over your phone's screen with hesitation.

Why am I even thinking of texting anyone? It's none of their business. Plus it's almost 3. Nobody'd be awake right now.

You tossed your phone back in the bed, sighing. Your eyes stung but it was painfully hard to go to sleep. Though somehow you grew tired of being tired, since you passed right out.

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