14 || The reliable captain

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Your heavy eyes finally lifted themselves up as you felt a lingering sting on your eyes and cheeks. Turning to your phone, you saw that it was almost lunch time. The strands of light that seeped through your window curtains didn't convince you to get up though. You fell right back asleep.

The whole of Saturday was nothing but that. Waking up spontaneously, but having no desire to get up. Not even to eat. Your eyes fell shut every time. It felt like you had no physical strength to move. It was just once you got up; to use the bathroom and to get water. Every other minute besides those were spent in bed.

The growl of your stomach rumbled you awake.

12:14pm was the time you saw on your phone.

Had you really done nothing for the whole of yesterday? For some reason, that fact gave you irrational stress.

Now you had to not drift back off, or you'd oversleep tomorrow and be late for school.

I wanna get out of here.

You groggily pulled your own weight off the comfort of the mattress, and went to the bathroom to clean yourself up and take a shower for the first time in days. It was a refreshing feeling. Feeling down for so long and staying in one spot really melts and sticks you to place, as if a sand dune could form right over you and you'd still stay put.

Shoving your hands into your pockets, you breathed in the fresh afternoon air. The sky was a gradient of yellows and oranges, with the cloud littering spreads of white.

Your path ahead wasn't planned. You just went anywhere your feet took you.

Where to go...

As cliché as it was, you wanted to go to a park and sit on a swing to reflect on life. Sadly there wasn't exactly one nearby. The second best option was to head to the gym that you were supposed to keep closed. A change of scenery from the whirlpool of moping darkness was definitely what you needed, and you figured the bright lights and squeaky clean atmosphere was just the thing to do it.

Now taking the few steps up to the gym's double doors, you reached into your pockets.

Ah shit.

You didn't have the keys with you.

"Dumbass..." You sighed to yourself, turning around. You didn't exactly want to go home, since you literally just left, so you sat down on the stairs outside the entrance.

Scrolling through your phone, you found various new articles regarding your area. From random news of pointless gossip, to...

You re-read the title of the article.

'Parent leaves town with fake identity as the police struggle for clues.'

Indeed, it was about your mom. Thankfully your name didn't appear internet the article, if someone who knew you read it, for some reason you'd feel embarrassed and ashamed.

'Police suspect the woman of drug use as people claim seeing her mingling with various people and giving stocks before leaving the city.'

'An eyewitness describes someone similar of appearance to be taking the bullet train away to further up Japan.'

'Police station were questioned about previous similar situations as they estimate it to be months before getting a lead.'


I won't see her for months?

Only then did you remember where you even lived. Japan was notorious for having a high average of missing person cases, many of which taking years to solve, and some even never being solved.

「 Sunshine 」|| Atsumu Miya x ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt