10 || Anew

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"Bye mom!" You called. No response. Still asleep, huh?

Quickly, you adjusted Atsumu's jacket sleeves on you. You exited the building, making sure to hear the click of the door behind you before walking. But you noticed a figure ahead. They were tapping their foot, and when they heard the door's noise, they turned around.

"Miss me already?" You laughed as you looked ahead at Atsumu.

Atsumu didn't deny your statement, just giving you a smiling shrug. "Wanna walk together?"

"Sure." Smiling at the offer, you went down the few steps in front of the complex entrance.

When Atsumu first saw your apartment building, he remembered how you mentioned how crippled it was. That definitely was the case, but he decided not to ask about it like before.

"Aaah~ you're wearing it." Atsumu smiled at you in his sports jacket, finding the large sized piece of closing awfully cute on your figure.

"Oh right! There wasn't any space in my backpack for it, so I decided to wear it for the day and find you during break to return it. But now that you're here I'll give it b-" Just as you were about to remove your backpack to take off his jacket, he stepped to you and gripped the each side of the collar of it, not letting you take it off.

"Nope! You can keep it for the day. You can pass by the gym after school to return it. Plus it... it looks cute on you!" He grinned.

Your face tinted red, as you looked down to hide the hue. Instead, you gazed at the grip of his hands on the sides of the jacket. Why was his hand structure was so... firm? And... perfect...?

You could see the bone structures of his hands as he held the fabric right below your face. His posture was slightly bent to reach closer to your level, his eyes pupils fixated on your ones that kept avoiding his.

"Should we go?" He said in a sudden hushed tone, letting go of you.

"Where's your brother?" You looked back up and changed the subject.

Atsumu cringed at the mention of Osamu. He'd never hear the end of it if Osamu knew he woke up earlier than usual just to walk to school with you.

"Somewhere." His head whipped to face away from you, and began walking.

"Very helpful."

"See ya later!" Atsumu smiled as you parted ways to go to your classes. Though, on your way to class, you felt like daggers were being stared right into you. You forgot that your friend was a literal idol in the school, and that some girls would definitely recognise the jacket.

Lol suck my ass watch me wear this all day. Curse your salty thoughts.

You weren't sure if you were proud that you wore it all day. On one hand the jealousy the same girls who roughed you up at the start of last week got their karma, but then again their stares were still intimidating and uncomfortable. That's why as soon as the final bell of the day rang, you sprinted straight out of class to the school gym.

As you approached it, you saw a small but gorgeous glass structure. It was the very reason you were able to become close to the team; the greenhouse, decorated with vines swirling along the beams inside, pots and rows of plants inside perfectly sorted and color coordinated. The glass reflected the midday streaks of sunshine in an otherworldly glint of sparkles.

You took of Atsumu's jacket from you, folding it and holding it with both your arms as you turned around. Though as you walked around the corner, you were reminded that you were in school, and that some girls would already be scattered around the entrance of the gym. Thankfully they didn't see you yet. That is, until Suna opened the door and made eye contact with you, saying "There you are."

There you are? Why is he expecting me? You thought, only knowing that Atsumu was supposed to be the only one you were to see.

The other girls around were surprised to see Suna calmly walk towards you.

"Suna? Wh-at-?" He said nothing as he held your wrist, making you have to hold the track jacket in one hand, pressing it on your chest so it doesn't slip. He probably didn't say anything and rushed because he didn't want to interact with the fan base around you, so he pulled you toward the gym, with you stumbling in the process.

Once you stepped in, you watched him coldly shut the doors on the crowd, then turned to Kita who was in front of you two. You felt self conscious as many of their of the team members were also glancing at you.


"Oh hey!" Atsumu noticed you and took his jacket from your arms. "Thank you~! We have something in return!" He put it on, looking to Kita as if waiting for something to happen.

Bro what are you proposing or some shit? You thought.

Kita stepped forward, hands hiding something behind his back.

Wtf is he actually!?!?

"(L/n), the team has really grown to like you, and I've found that you're extremely reliable and knowledgeable when it comes to volleyball." Kita explained. "The team has come to a collective conclusion, which is that we'd like to ask you to become our manager. If you accept we'd be very honoured." His hands reached out to you with another piece of clothing, but this one was what a manager would wear, with the school's volleyball team logo professionally printed on.

Eyes locked on the offering held to you, not a single noise came out of you, only a sniff escaping a few moments later.

"Um..." Kita was confused by your reaction. "If you decline, that's also alright..."

"H-huh? Wait no-! I- I'm just really- gah!" Someone help you, you were mentally a mess. "I'm just really happy! Are you sure?" There was no holding back your excited bouncing on your feet. Various team members found your action rather adorable.

Kita smiled. "Of course. We do need the help and would love for you to be the one to do so, and I figured you would be glad to further push your passion for the sport, that's why..."

"I look forward to working with you all!" You bowed almost exaggeratedly, causing the tiniest tears to drip from your cheeks.

「 Sunshine 」|| Atsumu Miya x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now