1 || A not-so-great first impression

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note: as I'm posting this first chapter this book is literally already finished so I'm posting the first few chapters, and if ppl actually read it and wanna read the rest then I'll post the next parts regularly not all at once tho lmao

"Hey, Samu, what's all that commotion outside?" A player's shoes squeaked across the gym floor. Blond strands of his hair carried marbles of sweat that dripped and rolled down his undercut, slightly dampening the collar of his uniform. His just as soaked hands balanced multiple volleyballs at once as he walked towards their basket near the storage, though his stance was fairly ungraceful considering his fatigue.

"You're askin me?" His darker grey haired counterpart turned, a squint in his eyes. Nobody would be able to tell if he was grouchy at his brother answering a a question obviously unknowable to him, or if the intense practice had just wore him out.

"Eeh?" The blond snapped, now with an irk mark pulsing on his temple.

"Probably your fandom trying to unhinge the door." Another player, with probably the worst posture known to man, replied.

Osamu grimaced. "They're the ones unhinged."

Packing up beside him, Atsumu snorted. He picked up his bottle and gulped a refreshing amount of water before sighing as he wiped the dribble on the corners of his lips. "I'm not going outside if I have to hear them unlocking new frequencies."

"If you're going to be that stubborn we might as well never leave this gym." Osamu subtly rolled his eyes.

"Well then, more practice for me!" Atsumu raised his hands in defence, accidentally scattering all the volleyballs he forgot he was previously holding. "Ah..." Arms still raised, Atsumu stared ahead with a blank smile, rather than going to pick them up. Of course he would be lazy to do so if it wasn't regarding actual practice.

He stayed right where he was for the next few seconds, everyone else in the gym turning and grabbing their things as if nothing happened. That is, until Atsumu felt pressure on his chest. Snapping back to the present, he faced his captain holding one of the dropped volleyballs to him.

"Finish clearing out and I'll take care of your crowd, alright?" Kita lowered his hand from the volleyball once Atsumu grabbed into it with both of his, slightly touched by Kita's assistance.

Various team members watched Kita as he opened the gym doors and walked right into the seemingly impassible crowd.

"No wonder coach always leaves a bit earlier, when practice is about to end they literally swarm the area." A player commented.

"I'll never understand how Kita could throw himself in there."

"That's our captain for you." Aran   admired with a smile, before turning to the blond now picking up the volleyballs. "You should be grateful he'd do these things for you." His head mockingly shook in mild disapproval.

"The hell!?" Atsumu huffed, grunting a quiet yet audible "of course I am" as he swung his bag behind his shoulder.

~a minute ago~

Kita stepped in front of the crowd of girls as the gym doors behind him creaked shut, gaining everyone's attention.

"Sorry, I'm going to have to ask you all to leave-"

He didn't even finish his request as the girls scurried away. Strange, they usually protest more. A lot more. His eyebrows stayed furrowed until he finally saw a hint as to why they left so quickly.

"Agghh..." You sat ahead of him, hair disheveled and clothes dusted, as you slowly supported yourself, trying to get up off the ground. Kita immediately crouched toward you, his steady hands softly gripping into your arms as you stood up.

"Uh..?? Ah-! S-shit- I mean, agh, sorry!" Hopping a step back and bowing, you weren't sure what you were apologising for, but you did so anyway.

"Are you ok?" The captain asked, watching you stop bowing with a sheepish expression on your face.

"Ah, yeah. Uh, I was sent to give the volleyball team a note that-" Your eyes widened. Despite all the times you've rehearsed this in your head on the way here to avoid awkward silence, you had somehow managed to get into the worst possible scenario. The note wasn't in your pocket, you remember those girls took it out.

You looked back down at the ground to find ripped up pieces of your note.

"I'm presuming that was the note." Kita stated the obvious as he blankly stared at the note too.

Your hand reached your face as you rubbed your temples in frustration, mumbling to yourself. "Bro I will literally commit arson they piss me off so much."

"A reasonable reaction, honestly." Kita sighed, his head turning back up to finally get a good look at you. "Ah."

"...?" You looked at him with your head slight tiled.

He stepped towards you. "Your nose is bleeding."

"It-? They seriously-??" You reached to rub your nose and alas, drips of blood stained your fingers.

Kita conveniently handed you a tissue. Where it came from you had no idea, but you had already guessed he was the type of person to be prepared for things like minor injuries, considering he was the captain of the volleyball team.

"Thanks..." You accepted the tissues to clean your face as Kita still stared at you, eyeing the tiny scabs bruises that already stated to form on you.

"You can come inside, we have a first aid kit." He offered kindly.

"Oh no no, I'm fine really, I-"

"Kita?" A head popped out of the gym door.

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