18 || He needs help

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The next day after Atsumu visited your place, you finally went back to school, since you were able to have the first good sleep you've had in a while.

"(L/n)! Welcome back!" The libero was the first to notice you, then others turned to you.

"Hi everyone! Sorry for my absence yesterday, I promise I'll make up for it today!" You bowed.

"As long as you enjoyed your little rest, that's fine." The coach looked to you. "But you're right little pipsqueak, this team was not as nearly motivated without you, so you better punch em into shape!"

"Mhm!" You smiled and nodded with determination. "Uh-?"

You felt a hand ruffle your hair. You glanced up to see Atsumu smiling down at you.

"Looking forward to being punched, manager!" His eyes closed as he smiled a toothy grin.

You punched his side.

"Ow-! I was joking!!" The poor boy had tears already.

Getting the team in shape was just what you did for the day. Not actually punching them (except for Atsumu every now and then), but definitely pushing them to try their best, helping them in every way, and giving as much advice and suggestions as you could.

"Man, you were more energetic than ever today." Suna sighed at you as he plopped down on the bench, towel wrapped around his neck satisfied to take a break.

"Well it was definitely worth it! You all need the practice before we head on to that training camp in Tokyo that coach was talking about." You reminded. "When was it...?"

"In two weeks." Kita answered.

"Ah, yeah!" You nodded. "So, Suna, you need all the preparation you can get. We made a lot of progress today anyway, Akagi wasn't able to receive a single one of your spikes today yet, unlike last week!" You looked at the other side of the gym to see the panting libero. "Ah, poor boy must be exhausted though," you stood up to run to him and hand him a refilled bottle of water.

"Gckk!?" Atsumu's hands curved and fiddled as if grabbing an invisible stress ball as he watched you run to Akagi, patted the boy's back, and made hand contact when you passed to bottle to him.

"What, jealous?" Suna looked up to the tense setter.

Osamu walked up and knocked his brother's head. "You literally spent hours at her house yesterday, is that not enough for you?"

"He did?" Kita appeared from nowhere, startling the three. Of course the team mom somehow knows all.

Suna was uncharacteristically surprised, a slight smirk on his face. "Getting in on already, Atsumu?"

Atsumu has just started drinking from his bottle and yet the water shot straight out of him. "The fuck!?"

"It's okay," Osamu pat his shoulder. "He's kidding. We all know you're still too much of a pussy to do that."

"P-pp—!?!?" Atsumu had some otherworldly stance, arms and legs spread like a bird as is if trying to seem bigger and intimidating. Though his nervously frustrated face said otherwise.

"W-watch me! I'll ask her out right now!" Atsumu shouted, not loud enough for anyone else in the gym to hear though.

"Do it, no balls." Suna said, taking another sip of water with his pinky out.

Atsumu growled, arms still spread angrily he took a few stomps towards you still on the other side of the court.

He saw you smiling and laughing with the other team members. Your genuinely ecstatic closed eye smile had instantly made Atsumu's heart melt into jelly. The group watched as the nervous wreck turned right back to them behind him, making his way to crouch in the corner of the gym, head resting on the wall. They could practically see the dark blue swirling lines of dread around him.

"Told you. No balls."

A week later, you and the team were perfectly back on routine. Though you wondered why every now and then Atsumu laughed nervously near you whenever he finished talking to Suna or his brother, acting like more of an idiot than he already was, but you ignored it, since every other interaction was usually friendly and comfortable.

"You're never going to get it done, are you?" Osamu felt so weird being in a position where he felt like he was some kind of love counsellor to his brother. Though Suna was having the time of his life humiliating the boy.

"Stop it! I'm telling you, I'll tell her this time!" Atsumu angrily shoved his sport uniform into his bag as he finished changing.

"That's what you said yesterday... Hm, correction, three times yesterday." Suna reminded.

Atsumu groaned and dug his head into his palms and bent down to put his elbows on his thighs.

"Stop trying to do all this on your own, Tsumu, you're hopeless."

"I don't need helpppp..." He grumbled into his hands.

"If I liked (Y/n) romantically, I would want help by now." Kita gave Atsumu a motherly glance... of disappointment.

"Do you like her?" Atsumu peeked at his upperclassman through his fingers.

"Not anymore." He stated, zipping up his bag.

"Anymore!?" The jealously in Atsumu could help him from jumping up.

"I did, she is a very reliable and kind person so it couldn't be helped. But, as a captain I don't have time for romantic relationships. Besides, she's my kouhai, when I graduate, she still has a year left... Plus, I think Atsumu is a better fit for her. She definitely seems to enjoy your energy. I think you two look cute together, so I'll give her to you." Kita smiled at Atsumu as he finished talking.

The rest of the team that were still in the changing room were pretty much silent and surprised that their emotionless captain could physically have a crush on someone.

"GOD! YOU'RE LITERALLY GOD!" Atsumu praised as he shuffled on his knees closer to Kita, hugging him by his legs. He was more than thankful that his captain was so approving and kind that he wouldn't pursue you for the sake of Atsumu's existing feelings.

What a pure and selfless captain.

「 Sunshine 」|| Atsumu Miya x ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt