Katara || Coffee

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"I can't stand this class!" A frustrated voice exclaimed, slamming their supplies down on the table. I looked over, only to see someone I was not familiar with slumping into the seat next to me. 

Having just transferred into this specific class, the only people I knew were from any of my other classes. This amounted to a total of 3 people I knew, which was not a lot. 

My eyes trailed to the desk in front of this stranger, and there sat two cups of coffee. I assumed that she had just purchased them, considering the fact that there was still steam coming out of the small hole in the lid. 

She sighed, and turned to look at me. I jumped, immediately averting my gaze so she wouldn't see that I had been eyeing her hot drinks, but apparently I had not been fast enough. 

"Do you want one? I got one for my roommate, but I couldn't find her before class," when I hesitated, she continued, "there's no way that I can drink both, so it's yours if you want it."

I nodded slowly, and she held the cup out to me. 

Gratefully, I accepted it, and took a sip. Aside from it being a little sweet, it was pretty good. 

"Thank you," I mumbled, and she hummed in response. Comfortable silence washed over us, so I opened my mouth to speak again. 

"What drink is this?" 

"It's a tall caffe latte with two shots of espresso, three pumps of caramel syrup, one pump of toffee nut syrup, and topped with a vanilla sweet cream cold foam. Why? It's not bad, is it?"

I shook my head at her question, my lips curling down to take another sip. This was partially to reassure her, and partially because I really needed the energy boost this morning. 

"To be honest, it's a tiny bit too sweet, but overall, it's a pretty good drink. So again, thank you."

"No problem. Do you happen to have a preference of drink?" She asked curiously, and I thought for a moment. 

"I don't mind the refreshers, as they're pretty good, and I also don't mind a nice chamomile tea. Having said that, overall, my favorite drink is (f/d)."

"Oh, nice! I'm Katara, by the way," Katara extended her hand, and I reached out to shake it. 

"My name's (Y/N), nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too!" A smile graced her face, so I returned one. Our teacher started talking, and the two of us turned to face him. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Katara write something down, which slightly confused me, as we hadn't started taking notes yet. 

I shook my head, trying to rid myself of the curiosity that had been pushed to the forefront of my mind. However, try as I might, a question still crossed my mind every so often during class. 

What could she have been writing?________________________________________________________________________________

I walked into class the next day, only to find a cup on my desk. Katara had already sat down, situating herself and her supplies before class officially began.

My feet carried me over, and as I pulled my chair out, she looked over to me. 

"Oh, you mentioned your favorite drink yesterday, so I wrote it down and...figured I'd get you one today, since you were so nice yesterday," a blush was visible on her face, causing a smile to tug at my lips at her cuteness. Ah, so that's what she was writing.

"Thank you, I really appreciate it, but what can I do in return? I don't want you to be, like, my sugar mama or something," Katara laughed at this, and shook her head. 

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