"That's nice to hear, I think my parents would be happy," Brandon said, turning the car off after settling in a parking space, "alright folks we're here."

Jack and Asher clapped in celebration, happy to be getting out of the car. Dinah and Brandon opened the back doors and helped each boy out.

"Ninah?" Jack tried.

Dinah chuckled, "sure kid."

"Carry?" he reached for her. Dinah picked him up with ease to fulfill his request.

"Oh I'm so sorry-"

"No don't worry about it, little man and I are chillin'," Dinah waved Gina off as they began walking toward the restaurant they'd be having dinner at before walking around.

"Okay, but feel free to put him down whenever," Gina said.

"Got it, thanks," Dinah smiled, walking into the restaurant with Jack on her hip. Asher walked with Ally, talking her ear off as they headed toward their table.

"Mommy," Jack whispered loudly over Dinah's shoulder.

"Yes?" Gina turned to him.

"I sit by Ninah?" he asked.

"Ask Dinah if it's okay," Gina grinned.

"Ninah," Jack leaned away from her shoulder to look at her face.

"What's up bud?" Dinah smiled.

"I sit by you?" he requested.

"Sure dude," Dinah sat Jack in between herself and Ally as Asher, Gina, and Brandon settled across from them.

"Color wif' me?" Jack offered a crayon to Dinah.

"Of course," Dinah smiled, taking the crayon and turning to the paper.

Ally grinned, watching the interaction silently before turning to her family across from her. Brandon was talking to Asher about what he wanted to eat and Gina looked at Ally.

"She's really amazing," Gina said softly.

"I know," Ally said sheepishly, glancing at Dinah and Jack laughing, "I got really lucky."

"I'm glad you're happy, you deserve it," said Gina.

"Thank you G, for real. I'm so happy you guys are home, so glad I got to see my boys again," Ally said, looking at Asher run through the menu with his father.

"They're so happy to be back home, a little upset they can't see Nana and Papa but they're ecstatic to see they're favorite aunt," Gina chuckled.

"Yeah, they just kinna up and left," Ally shrugged, "I got notice they were moving after they moved."

Gina frowned slightly, "at least you guys have the house now."

"That's true, we love it. I'm super excited about it," Ally nodded.

"We've got to get you guys decorating for Christmas!" Gina gasped.

Ally laughed lightly, "oh girl don't worry. The boxes have already been brought out of the storage, they're just sitting in the back room."

"Yay! Well we're home until after the New Year, we have to celebrate!" Gina clapped.

"Sounds like a great idea," Ally agreed.


Jack was glued to Dinah's side the second they stepped out of the restaurant. The adults were unsure as to why Jack took a special liking in the Polynesian, but no one complained and everyone thought it was cute. Dinah didn't mind, she thought Jack was the cutest little boy ever.

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