07 | Punish and Protect

Start from the beginning

  Of course I remember, dumbass.  

  A nod, and he loosens his grip on me to run his fingertips across my bound wrist with the wooden ruler protruding from the gauze.  "I imagine you're in a lot of pain.  Not as much pain as you ought to be in because of the panic and trauma I assume you're experiencing waking up in a  bed that's not your own in a place you know you'll never escape alive."  He hums with total indifference as if he was making remarks on the weather or reading from a grocery list.

  Understandably, he's right about the pain.  It still stings like an absolute bitch, but the barrage of intrusive thoughts about my captor and his methods of madness take up too much of my time and attention for something as trivial as momentary physical pain to intercede.  Perhaps if this were another time in another life, I would whine like a baby over the pain of a mending broken wrist with an attentive partner at my side.

  Attentive as Daniel is, he'll never provide me with the comfort and assurance a normal partner would.

  "Actually, I think this is the perfect opportunity to give you a tour.  Up.  Now."  He demands in his gruff tone as he pats my ass and pushes himself off the bed.  

  Knowing I can't just stay curled up in bed all day, ignorant to my current predicament, I carefully push myself off of the bed with my good hand, groaning a bit as I stand to my feet.  Goosebumps travel across the expanse of my exposed body causing me to blush at how naked I am in front of him and how he practically spooned me all night.

  "Can I have something to wear?  I'm cold."  I ask nervously, folding my arms across my chest to conserve as much body heat as I can.  I'm at a loss when I can feel the intensity of his shameless stare at my breasts being pushed up.  As if the back pain wasn't enough, having DD breasts were especially annoying now.

  Daniel clears his throat, a dangerous glint in his eyes as he trails his gaze from my breasts to my face.  His adams apple bobs in his throat as he adjust his stance.  A devastatingly handsome smirk graces his lips as he shakes his head.  "You can have something new to wear after you get cleaned up, little bird.  I like seeing you like this."

  Whether or not I blush because of my nervousness or the way his words ignite a fire deep in my stomach, I blush nonetheless.  Realizing he just opened the door to a perfect opportunity, I look down and smile like a blushing schoolgirl and lean all my weight on one leg, popping my hip out slightly.  "I bet you say that to all the girls."

  "Is that right?  Do you mean all the girls I've kidnapped and killed?"  His mocking tone is unmistakable as is the edge of amusement in his voice.

  My smile instantly drops as the feeling of giddiness and desire in my stomach dissolves into pure sickness.  My mind runs a million miles a minute as I remember hearing about the tragic end each of those girls faced on the news when they uncovered a new body and my father begged me to stay safe.  In the moments I didn't mourn his memory or my mother, I mourned for those girls who I had passed in the halls or sat next to at lunch in elementary school.  Every hope and every dream they once had: gone as soon as Daniel set his sights on them.  And just like them, he'll take away my own hopes and dreams.  Like an insatiable, bloodthirsty monster come to take and take until there's absolutely nothing left but despair in the wake of its destruction, Daniel feasts at my fear.

  His obvious hunger evident in the way he eyes me as another one of his prizes.

  I am unable to move as he steps around the end of the bed and comes to stand right beside me.  I'm petrified to even blink away my tears as he brings his hand up to push my unruly hair behind me shoulders.  I only notice I've been holding in a breath when my brain feels fuzzy from the lightheadedness.  

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