The end

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The man doesn't say a word when my suit lights up saying that Peter is tracking me.I frown and my lip quivers,this isn't what I wanted,he's gonna die because of me.I didn't want him to come for me.

The man steps in front of me but I stay looking at the ground. "You know the reason I wanted you was for you to be on my team,I wasn't gonna kill you" he says in a deep voice "but now I think I will" he lifts my chin so I meet his eyes that send me shivers up and down my body.he gives me a smile then flicks my face to the side leaving a red mark on the side of my face. "And you?" He says walking over to Loki. "You didn't follow orders and you know what happened to the people that don't follow orders?" He asks Loki and Loki nods in his response. He picks him up by his neck cutting off air as he try's to pry his hands off but it doesn't budge.

I close my eyes not being able to see my new friend die knowing that I had already seen it once.I hear a thud beside me and I open my eyes to see Loki dead with his eyes still open.I suck in a breath and hold my sob in I reach over and close his eyes.

The man then comes for me and gives me a punch to the face making warm blood drip from my cheek.he goes for another punch but I dodge it breaking my handcuffs on the way and getting to my feet.he raises an eyebrow "smart,strong" he says walking towards me "let's see if your fast" he lunges towards me but I move out of the way and he gets a face full of he's wiping dust out of his eyes I quickly hide under a table nearby.

He gets up and starts looking for me "Oh Cassidy where are you" he says walking silently around the dim lit room.he walks to the table I'm under "come out come out wherever you are" he says in a playful tone.

He stops in front of the table

I shake in fear sweat dripping down my if a single sound I made would get me killed.he throws the table across the room and I scream in fear laying there defenseless.he picks me up by my neck cutting off my air "hail hyrda" he says in a low evil tone.

Tears fall out of my eyes as I try to pry his hands off my neck but it doesn't budge. "Please" I say manage to mumble out as I'm sobbing trying to get are into my lungs.he laughs at me and throws me on the eyes clear up from the black dots and air fills my lungs as I heave in the corner of the I hear a bang on the door.the man turns to the door and as he does I use my strength to shoot at him with a small gun I find on the floor.

I hear another bang on the door and I look to my left to see Loki on the ground


I look in his hand and see that he's holding a blade I take the blade gently out of his hand trying to not make a sound.

With another bang Peter swings in the room webbing up the tall man before us as he's doing it I jump on the man and imbed the blade into his chest.he screams and fall to the ground Peter stops webbing for a second to come inspect me to make sure I wasn't hurt to bad.but his reaction wasn't gonna be good,cause I was hurt really bad.

The man rips off the webs and wobbles to his feet really dizzy from loss of blood he pulls out the blade from his chest and throws it fast for me to dodge and it sticks my stomach and I fall to my knees in a gasp the man then falls passing out from loss of blood and will eventually die.

Peter quickly grabs me and holds me as tears start to form. "P-Peter" I say cupping his cheek as his lip starts to quiver "no no don't say anything" he says putting pressure on the wound. "I'm sorry" I mutter and a tear rolls down his face. "You will be f-fine" he stutters and I wipe his cheek. "I need to tell Thor" I say and he nods and pulls out his phone.

While the phone is ringing I can here Peter ask Karen something.

*on call*
T:Peter where are you everyone is worried
C:hey Thor it's me
The speaker goes quiet for a second and I hear Thor yell to everyone that I'm on the phone making me stifle a laugh but I instantly start to cough
C:Thor it's Loki...
C:I'm sorry..
He doesn't answer instead I here Buckys voice on the line instead
B:hey where are you are you hurt
C:I'm with Peter and I've been stabbed I'm losing blood
B:I'll tell Bruce and tony...Cassidy?
C:I love you buck
*off call*

I let out a sob not being able to say goodbye to my brother and Peter holds me tighter keeping press on on my wound.I leave up just enough to rip a strip of the bottom part of my shirt.

I look at Peter and nod and he lets go and I groan Peter looks at his hands and sees blood which I know makes him woozy but he didn't seem to falter.I grab peters hand in mine and I slowly remove the blade sobbing while Peter wipes my I have it removed I throw it to the side and take a deep breaths.Peter then quickly wraps it up to stop bleeding.

We hear a weird sound and look at each other when iron man walks in and hope strikes me.he gently sprays my wound with something from his suit and seals it perfectly.Peter picks me up bridle style and we three head to the tower.

We walk in the doors and doctors everywhere are running around when they put me on chair and wheel me off to a different room.

**time skip**
I ended up having to get surgery and stitches and a few bandages for my smaller cuts and bruises.I walk out of the room and see everyone sitting waiting once they see me they stand to there feet.and walk to me they one by one give me a gentle hug and I head to my room.

Peter later walks to my room and lay's with me.
"Hey Cassidy what does that book do you never told me" he asks "well it shows you what you truly believe,and if you write something you don't believe it will change the letters or words to what is true." I say and he nods

"You didn't finish my letter" he says and I get up and grab the book I see that I didn't finish and he was right so I get a pencil and write "well I was gonna say that-" I write down the three words with a smile and close the book looking at Peter and he smiles.he gives me a kiss "I love you too" he says and kisses me again.

The end

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