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I sadly had to go to school even though I'm clearly not in the mental state for it.I skilled saying bye to Bucky,well he didn't leave his room.but I said goodbye to Steve instead.

I open my locker "Cassidy,your hands" Peter says grabbing them in his so he can see my bruised hands I slowly take them out of his grasp. "It's fine it was just the punching bag" I say grabbing a book out but he just looks at me with a sad expression. "Peter please" I say and he just nods. "I'll be with Ned and MJ" he said and I nod.

That name

That stupid name that gets me every time


It's fourth period and Peter runs up to me looking excited "guess what" he said but before I can say anything "I asked out MJ" my heart sinks "y-you did?" I say and he nods yes "well w-what did she say?" I say shakily "she said yes" he says with a laugh and I fake laugh "that's good but I have to go" I say "but we are about to leave happy is going to take us home" he says

"I think I'll walk home today" I say "well I mean o can walk with-" he starts but I cut in "I just wanna be alone for now Pete I'm sorry" I say "o-oh well okay" he says with a sad expression that can break me if I look for too long. I give him a small apologetic smile and he does it back but it's fake.

I turn around and frown.and start walking towards the school door in the opposite way of Peter.when MJ walks up. "Hey Cassidy" she says "what are you doing I thought you where a car rider" she says "um yeah no not today I wanna walk" I said trying to avoid anymore small talk "but MJ I kinda wanted to be alone" I say waiting for her reaction but there isn't one and she just nods and walks off.

I feel kinda bad but I think I'll be fine.I arrive home and see everyone at the door waiting for me in which I return with a smile but I don't see anyone smile back "guys?" I say "where were you?" Nat says

"I walked home did Peter not tell you?" I say "Peter isn't home yet" they say and I freeze "w-what,where's happy?" Frantically "he's at home he came to pick y'all up but know one came so he left" I run up to my room and call Peter but know one answers. Then I remember that he brings his suit to school.

I go to the lab and track his suit and see he's in a what looks like a really tall building.I contact Karen and call Peter through his suit.

*on call*
C-Peter where the hell are you?
P-I'm on the tallest building in New York Isn't that cool
C-you have the whole house scared,they didn't know where you where,you didn't answer there calls.
P-oh I didn't know my phone is in my bag
C-at least tell someone next time
P-ok ok I sorry
C-ok well I have to explain this to everyone so I gotta go,don't kill yourself.bye.
*off call*

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