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I grab my book and a pencil open the cell and walk in "I wouldn't do that Sid" tony says but I ignore "y'all can leave now"I say to them and they leave but I still know there watching the cameras.

I hand him the book and pencil "write everything you just told me" I say and he does so and I see that he's not lieing and that he is in fact telling the truth I sigh. "How did he find out where I was?" I say to Loki and he hands me the book "he said he never lost you,said he wants you dead,he also told me all the things you have done." He says looking guilty "he made me do it" I say and he stands up

"Your a murderer" he says walking around "I know" I say leaning against the hard bed like I had before many weeks before. "You have had visions" he says and I lift an eyebrow "yeah of him,he try's to kill me but I never get to the end so I don't know if he kills me or not" I say and he nods.

"This book where did you get it,what does it do" he says "it tells you the truth if you write something down it will correct it the right way,this book holds no lies" I say standing up heading for the door. "You have many secrets" he says and I stop in my tracks still facing the door. I feel him walk up behind me I know it's not him but I act like I don't know.I quickly turn around to face "him" and stare at his face and go to punch him and my hand glides right through.

He gives me a smirk and I return one "I forgot my book" I say and grab it and walk out leaving him to drop his smirk.causing me to let out a chuckle.before completely walking out I turn to him "I'll be back" I say and walk out.

I walk out and see Peter at the door "I told you to leave" I say and he nods "yeah I know" he says and starts walking with me "what do you wanna do" he says and I just shrugs "not sure" I say and head to my room in which he follows.

"You gonna tell me about that book,you always carry it around?" He asks and I just shrug and bring it to my closet putting it in there then walking out. We play with Doug and talk for the rest of the day. "So how are you and MJ" I bring up and he makes a face "what was that" I say "what" he asks "that face" I say again and he shrugs

"I don't know she's been distance she thinks that I like you more than her" he says and my eyes widen "w-what" I say "yeah I know she thinks that I'm cheating on her" he says and I look at him not realizing how close we where.he looks back at me and we start to lean in "yeah that's pretty dumb" I whisper getting closer "I don't know why she would think that" he says to where we are inches apart. When he fills the gap and we kiss and it felt magical.we start to make out when he pulls away and stands up. "No,no I can't do that to her"he says and walks out.

I sigh "ugh what did I just do I'm so dumb" I get on my bed and bury my face into my pillow and Doug gets beside me.

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