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Today was Monday so I got dressed ate and left "hey buck I'm leaving for school" I say to him in a soft tone.

Bucky has been distant lately and I think it's starting to get to me."bye" he says but doesn't give me a hug like always.I go in for a hug and he stops me "have a good day" he says not trying and walks off.i stare off for a while thinking of why he would be distant but I coudnt think of anything. "Sid we gotta go" peter says from behind me cutting me out of my trance.I shake my head and start walking over to him.

"You alright?" He says and I just nod and walk off to the car.

We get into school and we walk to our lockers "hey Peter" MJ says waving him to her locker he gives me a smile and walks over to her.ugh.

I end up walking to my first two classes alone.on the way to third period,gym,Peter jogs up to me "hey sorry I didn't walk with you I was with-"

"MJ" I say cutting him off not stopping my walk "uh yeah,you okay?" He says concerned "yep all good" I say though I'm not sure he believed me but we still continued to walk to gym. We got partnered in the same pairs I'm with MJ and peters with Ned. I'm doing sit-ups and MJ is holding my feet.time to talk.

"So MJ what do you think about Peter?" I say and she looks at me weird "what do you mean?" She says acting dumb on purpose which I find stupid but whatever. "You know what I mean,Ike do you have feelings for him" I say and we switch out to where I'm holding her feet now

"What?your gonna tell him this information?" She says cocking an eyebrow "what no I've just seen that y'all are pretty close and a little birdy told me that he likes you" I say with a shrug.

"Yeah" she says "yeah?" I say "yeah,I do like him" she says with a smile and my heart sinks "yay,y'all would look good together" I say and she smiles "you think?" I say and I nod with my infamous fake smile and she just smiles back.

That night I went back down to the training room and grabbed a new punching bag and start punching the pain away.

Me and Peter have had more fun together
What does he see in her All she does is have her head stuff in a book
All the fun we've had and he still chooses her
I have crazy strength
And powers like him
Yet he still chooses her
It's probably cause she prettier

The punching bag busts and I grab a new one putting it up and starting to punch again

Maybe he secretly hates me just feels bad
Yeah that's it,he feels bad for me cause of my problems
Maybe I should've told him about my visions
Maybe we shouldn't have ever met
She's way smarter than me
I haven't been to school in 70 years how am I soposed to be smart

The second punching bag busts and I go to grab another one "you should take a break" I low voice behind me says I turn around and see director fury "how long you been there?" I say picking up the bag and hooking it up "long enough to know you should take a break"he says and directed his eyes to my hand that are now red with blood even through the wraps I put on them.

"I guess I didn't notice" I say stopping and walking over to a table and carefully unraveling the wraps. Fury walks over "let me get that" he says and takes my hand and I wince. "Why are you here" I say with no emotion tensing up here and there cause of my hands. "Just thought I would check in" he says putting some medicine on my hands and wrapping them up with gauze. "At 2:00 am?" I say cocking and eyebrow.

"I have a mission for you Steve and Bucky" he says and I roll my eyes "so that's why your here" I say he nods "well me and Bucky aren't on good terms right now" I say "do I look like a give a shit" he says showing no emotion


Dear PeterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora