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It's the next day and we are in lunch i overhear Peter and Ned talking. "If I punch myself,and it hurts,am I strong or weak?" Peter asks Ned "strong" Ned says "wait no weak" he corrects himself "a dumbass is what you are" I say to Peter and Ned laughs.

"Oh look" he says and I turn to see a waving MJ "hey do you care if I go over there" he says looking at me and Ned.Ned shrugs "no go out there and be with your girlfriend" I say with my fake smile

"Thanks cass your the best friend a guy could have" he says and it's like lamb to my heart. "Yeahhh now go,she's waitinggg" I say dragging it out he runs over there and gives her a hug. Me and Ned look at each other with a sad expression "but I guess he looks happier" I say picking at my food. "Yet you just smile and hide the truth,you like him" Ned says and I look up to him knowing that he read me like a book.

"I was happier with him" I say and he nods "yeah me too he's always with her these days doesn't even really make time for his internship that much" he says and I fall sad cause I was kinda making it about me I didn't realize Peter was making other people feel like that too. I just nod understanding. I get up and walk out.

I walk all the way back to the tower and step through the door "what are you doing here you should be at school" Bucky says "rough day decided it's better if I'm not at school" I say walking past him "you can't just do that" buck says and I nod "I know" and walk to my room followed by Bucky huffing.

I lay in my bed till Peter gets home "where were you?" Peter says "here" I say with no emotion "why didn't you tell me" I just shrug. "Tell me next time I was worried"he says and I smile and nod "sorry Pete,just the last few weeks have been really rough and I have no one to talk to" I say facing him "talk to me" he says

"I can't"
"Well why not"
"I just can't,I should probably go train though" I say getting off my bed I walk past Peter but he stops me "Sid please" he says softly I just shrug "I'll tell you one day" I say and he smiles and I walk out.I feel my face go red but I just walk to the training room.

My hands are mostly healed but I decide I shouldn't punch things anymore dot wanna do too much I walk past the punching bag I see a book on the table.I walk over to it looking around once to see if anyone had left it.I open it and he neat handwriting

Try writing it out instead of punching it out

I smile at his kindness but am confused,why would he want me to write it out? I don't see how writing will help.hitting something always relieves anger.I go and sit criss-cross on a counter and open the pages. I'm not getting something.fury wouldn't just give me a book there has to be something to it. I open the pages to see there all blank with lines on them. It has a blank cover and blank back.I've never seen a book like this. I open to a random page.

I draw a little star in the top right corner but when I lift my pencil it disappears.I gasp and write another one.and it disappears again.I hear a door open and I hide the book behind my back. "I see you have found it" fury says walking in "yeah but I don't really understand,everything I draw just disappears" I say taking the book out and showing him.

"Well maybe cause the book doesn't want you to draw,it wants you to write" he says "what how does that make sense" I say to him and he shrugs "this book takes everything you say and makes it true to what you believe" he says and I raise an eyebrow

"Wait what does that mean" I say and he rolls his eyes "write down "I don't have a metal arm" he says and I write it down.but the "n't" in don't disappears so it says "I do have a metal arm"

"Cool" I say with my mouth wide. "See it doesn't say the truth but it says what you believe" he says and I nod "but why did you give me this?" I say and he shrugs "you will see sooner or later but let's just hope it's later" he says walking out. "Wait but what does that mean" I say but he ignores me and walks out

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