She Is Your Joy (Hendery pt. 2)

Start from the beginning

Joy banged on the glass "Hello? Step out of lala land, Hendery".

"Joy if you actually loved y/n as much as you claim you'd allow her to make her own decisions. She's not an object and does not belong to you nor myself" I replied. Though everything I said was true I was just hoping Joy would be reasonable and understand that even though she loves y/n she should love her enough to want her to be happy even if that means not being part of her happiness and letting her leave with me, safe and sound.

Joy's face softened but I could still see a hint of something behind her facade. "You're absolutely right, Hendery. Y/n is more than capable of making her own choices."

Joy walked over to y/n. As she got closer I was afraid that my big mouth winded up putting y/n in more danger. I watched Joy intensely making sure she didn't make any sudden moves. She grabbed y/n's head with both of her hands, stroking y/n's cheeks with her thumbs before smiling and taking off the tape. "Choose wisely, y/n" Joy threatened.

Y/n looked between Joy and I before her eyes locked on mine. Her eyes looked as if they were trying to tell me what her mouth couldn't. "I love you too" I said to her, tears in my eyes.

"Joy..." Y/n started "I could absolutely never love a vicious, selfish, bitch of a monster like you. You don't love me and you never have if you did you would be happy that I'm happy and that I found someone who loves me. You were my best friend and having to cut you off because you couldn't handle the fact that I'll never be yours was painful to me and even further proof that you've always been selfish. Even if I did choose you, you'd never be Hendery and I would hate you for that and for causing this trauma. You'll never be the love of my life Joy, any chance you could have had is gone now. If I chose to go with you I would spend every waking moment making sure you knew how much I resent you and how you'll never be him. I see my entire future with this man, marriage, a family, growing old all with him and none of that with you."

I smiled at the last line. Y/n and I hadn't spoken too much about the far off future and knowing that that's how she saw a future with me, made me so happy.

"Let me make myself crystal clear when I say I'd rather be dead than spend five more minutes with you." Y/n finished.

I looked at Joy's face, she was crying as if someone murdered her puppy. She has a look of betrayal on her face like y/n wasn't living up to some deal they had. The look of betrayal quickly turned to anger.

She walked over to the rope that was stopping the blade from beheading my girlfriend. "You'd rather be dead!?" Joy shouted, anger oozing from her words. "Your wish is my command. If I can't have you" she pulled out a pair of scissors and looked me in my eyes, "no one can" she cut the rope, the blade went falling.

"NOOO!!" I yelled

"NOOO. y/n y/n!!!!" I yelled.

I was being shaken awake.

"Hen! Hendery!! Wake up!!". I opened my eyes and saw y/n.

"Y/n!?" I looked at her rubbing my eyes. I grabbed her face and gave her a kiss.

"Y/n I thought I lost you. I was so scared" I cried. She wrapped her arms around my torso and squeezed me tightly.

"Oh, baby, I'm so sorry. Don't let the nightmares haunt you. I'm right here, I'm always right here" She cooed at me like a toddler.

I kissed her neck, ruffles from her choker tickling my nose. "This is cute. Where did you get it?" I asked referring to her choker.

"I bought it yesterday for our anniversary dinner tonight. 4 years baby" she said while doing a little dance, such a dork. Y/n turned around so that her back was now towards me.

"I'm happy you like it but I want to take it off so I don't ruin it before tonight. Help me?"

"Sure" I unclasped her choker and let it fall into her lap. As I did that Y/n's head rolled off of her shoulders and onto the floor.

"AHHHHHHH!!!" I screamed

"Hendery?? Hendery!!!!" I heard a woman's voice, but it wasn't y/n's. I opened my eyes and saw Joy. I jumped back on guard worrying that she was here to hurt me.

"What the hell are you doing in my house!?" I shouted at her. She looked appalled.

"Well first of all this is the house WE purchases together when WE got engaged after YOU proposed" Joy held up her hand showing her engagement ring.

I didn't know what was happening but at this point it felt like a sick joke. I rubbed my eyes while walking around the room frantically.

Joy stood up "Hendery what is wrong with you? You look like you've seen a ghost".

"Joy" I grabbed her by her shoulders "where is y/n?"

"Who is that?" She replied, a mix of concern and confusion on her face.

"Y/n! y/n l/n!!" I said gripping her tightly and shaking her "she was your best friend. You two lived in America together". I looked in her eyes for any spark that showed she knew exactly who I was talking about, she didn't.

"Hen, I've never lived in America, you know that. I have never met anyone with that name. What's going on? You're scaring me.". She moved herself from my grip and stepped back cautiously.

I felt like I was losing my mind. The feeling of not being able to breathe and having my world snatched from me was occurring all over again. Where is y/n and what the hell is going on?


A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed and aren't mad at me for all the twists.

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