"I'm not sure, but I think is her. I just follow her lead, if she wants to hook up with me. Why not?" Will shrugs. Emilyn nod and put her lips into a thin line. "So why are you here?"

"Oh, I'm going to work up till this month," Emilyn told him.

"Why?" Will asked

"My boyfriend doesn't like me working so late, he says is not safe." She air quote the word safe.

"Is it that guy with that shiny, slick, black Mercedes?"

"Yeah, how do you know?" Emilyn asked

"I saw you got into the car once, so I just thought that must be your boyfriend."

Emilyn let out a small laugh, "is funny how you think that I have a boyfriend when I didn't tell you."

"I just assume." He shrugs. "There's no way a pretty girl like you don't have a boyfriend."

"Wow, way to assume." Emilyn giggle.

"Why isn't it true?"

"Not really, this is my first relationship and we only been together for 2 weeks now."

"Oh, I see." He nods. "So I don't get to hang out with you anymore?" He pouts.

"I'll be over in this cafe often to grab coffees and juice," Emilyn told him.

"Anyways," Will sighs and got up from his seat. "I got to get back to work, break is over."

"Same, I got to get back to work too." Emilyn stood up too. "See you next time." She waves bye to him and head out.

"Hello, is this Ms Emilyn Walker?" The caller asked.

"Yes, this is she," Emilyn said as I walk down the streets.

"We would like to inform you that we have found a liver donor for Mrs Walker and we would like for her to come in for a check-up before we proceed further."

"Okay, I will make an appointment. Thank you so much." Emilyn said and end the call. A smile grew on her face, "I can't believe is finally going to happen. Grandma Lou is going to be alright." Emilyn said to herself. She quickly made a call. "Grandma, today we are going to have a feast."

"Why what's the occasion?" Grandma Lou asked.

"I'll tell you when I get back, do you have enough food to feed 5 people?"

"Uhmm...let me check." Emilyn wait for her to answer. "Yeah, I think we have enough."

"Okay, great. I'll see you soon." She end the call and calls Ana. After a few rings, she picks up, "Ana are you free tonight?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Come over to my house tonight and bring Finley. We are going to have a celebration."

"Oh cool, I love celebration." Ana cheered. "What is it for?"

"I'll tell you when you come over."

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