Alex's POV
I'm sitting in class and Jack comes in three minutes late, sitting next to me. I bite my lip and the guy that Oli practically murdered earlier sits on my other side. I say "awww, what happened to you?" The guy says "your boyfriend kicked the shit out of me" and I say "awww, go fuck yourself, he's not my boyfriend, he actually knows how to talk to people" smiling. Jack gives me the look and I nod, mumbling "I'll tell you later" and I write the story on a piece of paper, he asked me for my number when Oli was walking in, said no, tried to force himself on me, then Oli punched him a few times then kicked him, he had a bloody nose earlier, then Oli is wherever now. I pass the note to Jack and he reads it saying "fucking dick" then laughs and Oli walks in, mildly bruised knuckles, and he says "move" to the guy next to me. The guy actually moves and Oli sits next to me mumbling "you doing alright?" I say "yeah, I'm good" and he mumbles "I was worried about you" and I say "I'm ok, it wasn't a big deal." I bite my lip and a teacher says "we have a new student today and he should be here any minute." Did I fly under the radar enough that they think I'm not here or is there someone else? Jack looks at me and I shrug mumbling "I don't know if it's me" and another kid comes in and Jack mumbles "no, its him, you went right under the radar" and we chuckle quietly. That kid is Will and I quietly say "why do my friends keep showing up?!" Jack laughs and I quietly laugh, Oli quietly saying "he's cute" and Jack mumbles "you have a boyfriend, Oliver." Oli says "mmm, true" and we chuckle and Jack mumbles "he is cute though" and I roll my eyes and Will sits in front of me. The teacher says "I'll be back in a little bit, if you leave, you wont be considered present" leaving. Will sits in his seat backwards saying "so, pretty boy, you have friends now?" I say "yeah, you got a boyfriend yet?" He says "no, wanna hang out later?" I say "mmm, sure" biting my lip and he says "hang out or 'hang out'" and I say "just hang out, chill your dick" blushing. We chuckle and I say "you really need someone to get you off" and he says "yeah, you and my hand get boring after a while" and we laugh. Jack says "talk to Rian, he doesn't know what Batman is" and I say 'but he is cute though" and Will says "is this the guy Zack was talking about?" I say "yeah, he cute and he has a nice smile and he's nice" and Jack says "but he's boring though" and we laugh. May comes in saying "why the fuck is the teacher not in here?" She sits next to Will in front of Jack and Will gives me the look and I give him the 'stop being horny' look. I say "she said she had to leave" and Oli say "I'm about to leave, make my boy skip, and get fucking laid" and we chuckle. I say "I thought I was horny, Jesus Christ guys" and Will says "you are" and we chuckle and May says "shut up guys." Jack says "do it during break, you don't have to do it in the bathroom, and you'd have the whole floor to yourself, dude, you can be as loud as you want" and we laugh. May says "he does have a point" and Oli says "did May and Jack agree?! Scandalous" and we laugh and May says "we live without our parents, we need to agree on shit occasionally" and we chuckle.
The end of the day
We all end up hanging out in Jack and Is dorm cause it's the only one that's clean. Jack lays his head in my lap and May says "I swear he's a cat" and I say "he might be." I lean down to be several inches from his face and he says "hmm?" I say "hi" and he mumbles "hi" yawning, me running my thumb over his lips, and he closes his eyes. I smile, biting my lip, and I say "don't go to sleep yet" and he says "I'm not" and I chuckle. Will says "this man stealing Jack from all the ladies" and we chuckle and I run my fingers over Jacks spine slowly. He bites his lip and Oli says "I want a blowjob" and we laugh and Josh says "good luck getting one of those, love." Oli says "I'll pay you" and Josh says "in what?" Oli says "let me take you out tonight" and Josh blushes saying "oh stop it, no" and Oli says "please? Just this once?" Josh says "you've said that the last two times and whenever you say that you have something to tell me, you're getting predictable, love." Oli says "have I ever taken you to the same place and have I ever told you anything bad though?" Josh says "no" and Oli says "just trust me then" and Jack mumbles "if you like it then you should've put a ring on it." My jaw drops, proposal in high school, that is so cute though, I don't think I care that they're teenagers and getting engaged cause its fucking cute. Oli says "yes or no?" Josh says "I trust you" rolling his eyes and they shake hands and Oli says "good deal" and we chuckle and Will says "if I say that do I get anything?" I say "no, they're cute, you aren't" and we laugh and Will says "fair" and we chuckle and I say "I'm kidding, you're cute" ruffling his hair. I say "I wanna cut your hair" and Will says "I need a haircut anyways, you aren't cutting my hair" and I say "aww, why?!" He says "cause it makes me feel bad about myself cause you are good at it" and we laugh and I say "mmm, I think you have too much of an ego" and we chuckle.

The Flavor Of Your Lips Is Enough To Keep Me Pressing [JALEX]Where stories live. Discover now