I might be able to catch it!

Before I could become fully confident, it picked up its speed and jumped right over the gate.

My eyes widened and I stopped in my tracks. "Really?!" I yelled. I turned back to see Fado coming after me, but I was not gonna let that goat go. If Link can stop it, maybe I can too! In a more intellectual way, of course, since I lack the muscle—okay I have no idea what I'm gonna do.

I jumped the gate, a bit more effortlessly than I'd expect. I'm quite impressed in myself, but I could feel myself hurting a bit in my wound.

Behind me I heard Fado yelling my name, but I kept running downhill.

I lost my balance every now and then going down this semi-steep hill, but I didn't keep my eyes off the goat.

I could see us nearing the village already, and I stepped up my pace and really pushed myself to run the best I could. Slowly, I started catching up to it and I reached my hand out, my fingertips barely brushing against its fluffy tail.

For a split second, my eyes widened in fascination as I managed to grab ahold of its tail, only to be met with a straight smack in the face of disappointment.

I'll admit, I was humbled.

Already assessing the event, I felt my adrenaline plummet into shame. Without adrenaline comes the real pain. I picked myself off the ground, lifting just my upper body and rubbing my dirty face but only then did the pain really kick in. My whole left side of my face felt numb, yet it still hurt, and my nose hurt the most as it felt it had been punched upward.

I felt my nose trickle with liquid, and I placed my hand up to it to check. After looking at my hand there was no blood as I figured there might've been, it was just water-like substance. Oh, my nose had just become runny from my teary eyes.

Dang it. I attempted fully getting up as I winced. My boobs hurt, and so did my whole bottom half of my body. It felt numb. I would surely bruise by tomorrow.

"Y/N?!" I heard a voice call out. Perhaps Fado, or the mayor who had probably seen me fall right in front of his house. I wasn't sure, my ears wouldn't allow me to hear correctly after the shock my body just went through in this impact.

I sniffled as I bent a knee to get up, but soon I felt myself get gently lifted by someone else. I looked up to expect Fado coming to my rescue.

"Are you okay?"

My eyes immediately lost all emotion, and my face went pale.

Had I just seen a ghost?

Before me, right in front of my face, was the very one I though I'd never see again in my life. My eyes were glued to his like the stickiest tar of them all.

No, this wasn't right, this was too ideal. Too perfect. There was no better time to see his face around here again.

I instantly started shaking my head, my face holding the same dead expression and wide eyes. I shook my head faster each time, beginning to tense up and pull away. I couldn't process this, this is too perfect. I could barely spill a word, even if my lips parted so to try.

His face shifted to more than worry and now had a confused look to it. I slipped out of his grasp and walked backward two steps before I fell back down again. The impact on my head had me dizzy. Who knows what things I could be seeing right now?

"Y/N!" I heard someone call out behind me. I felt someone slip their arms under my armpits, lifting me from behind. My eyes did not leave the ghost I sworn I'd seen. "Hey," I heard the voice again, and they cradled my torso bit as they used a hand to shake and slap my face a bit. "Y/N! Hey!" He repeated louder, and my eyes finally went towards the man holding me. "Fado," I let out through a dry breath and chapped lips.

Soul Dancing (TP! Link x Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें