• Chapter Six •

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• Third Person Pov•

3 Hours Later •

Kenny day in his cell with an agonising broken ankle. Craig was in deep sleep after being kidnapped the night before and kept there all day.

Cartman hadn't been back the entire day, no sounds even indicated that there was even any life here other than the two hostages.

Weirdly, Cartman never thought of taking Kenny's mask off, it was a relief to Kenny that Cartman was so fucking dumb.

But, don't be too happy too soon because seconds after Kenny had this thought, Cartman appears at the door.
"Well Mysterion, I just had a thought, I didn't think of it before but I can unmask you now can't I?" The Coon asks with a smirk.

Suddenly, Kenny hears a loud 𝑪𝑳𝑶𝑵𝑲. Cartmans eyes roll back and he falls down the stairs unconscious. Behind him stand two other people in makeshift hero costumes.

Kenny didn't recognise either of them. They both walk up to the cage. "Hey dude." The one with all the tools says. "Stan??" Kenny asks in a confused voice.

"We knew about your vigilante stuff ya know." The one who Kenny recognised his voice as Kyle said. "How?" Kenny asks. "You've been really tired lately and honestly, I thought I left my phone at your house and while we were looking we saw your Mysterion costume in your draw." Stan says sheepishly.

Kenny smiles, he's just happy to see that his friends came to help. "Can you get me outta here?" Kenny asks.

Stan hands Kyle a paper clip. Kyle walks over to the cell door and shapes the clip to open the door. The door swings open after a bit.

"Thanks." Kenny says. He walks over to Craig and releases him.

"Oi, wake up." Kenny says shaking Craig awake. Craig wakes up and yawns.

"Wait wha...?" Craig says in a confused voice when he sees Mysterion. "Oh fuck there's more of you?" Craig asks when he sees the other two.

"Trust me, it's the first I heard about it." Mysterion says as he stands up and helps Craig up.

Kenny looks over to where Cartman should be. "Shit.." He says when he realises that he's not there.

Suddenly, Kenny  hears scratching sounds behind him. He ducks down and bring Craig down with him so the dodge a clawed hand that appears a over their heads.

Kenny's ankle hurts but the pain is nothing compared to things he's gone through before. Kenny kicks back and his foot lands in Cartmans stomach making him double over.

Stan and Kyle were fighting these robot things. "Jesus, where did these things come from?!" Craig says while backing away from the fight.

"I had to fucking Rob a bank to buy these things." Cartman says while fighting Kenny.

Kenny usually would've beaten Cartman by now but his broken ankle is slowing him down a bit.

The robot things were still fighting Stan and Kyle on the other side of the room. The two friends were having a tough time but they were working together to get the robots to shoot eachother over and over again.

Cartman wasn't giving up. During their fight, he was even trying to unmask Kenny. "FUCK!" Kenny yelped as one of Cartmans attempts to unmask him lead to a deep three cut gash across his eye.

Cartman was luckily knocked out once again when Craig punched him in the side of the head from behind. "Nice." Kenny says while giving Craig a thumbs up.

Kyle and Stan are still having trouble with the robot things so Kenny climbs up his previous cell until he is on the top of it. He positions himself above the fight.

Stan manages to hit the off button on one of the robots and Kenny jumps down onto the other, ripping its head off in the process.

Kenny jumps back onto the ground but cringes when a lighting bolt of pain shoots through his ankle.

"Let's get outta here."

End Of Chapter

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