• Chapter Four •

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• Third Person Pov •

The Next Day •

Kenny stands waiting at the bus stop. Cartman still hasn't shown up for school and honestly, nobody gave a fuck, if he was dead, bonus. Kyle was a little worried but that's because he's a goodie-two-shoes.

Finally the bus arrives and they all hop on. Kenny sits in a spare seat next to Red who has her face buried in her phone.

Kenny tightens his good around his face. He was up all last night watching the streets for crime but there was nothing.

Dark bags had started to form under Kenny's eyes from staying up all the time.

Kenny lay back in his seat and closed his eyes until they arrived at the school.

• Time Skip • Class •

"Ok, I'm going to read out the register." Mr. Garrison says looking at a piece of paper in his hands.

"Red?" "Present!"
"Wendy?" "Present!"
"Bebe?" "Here!"
"Heidi?" "Good morning!"
"Nichole?" "Good morning Mr Garrison!"
"Craig?" "....." "Craig?" "....." "not here.."
"Kenny?" "Mmph!" Kenny loosens his hood. "Here!"
"Eric?" "....." "Eric?" "....." "not here.."

Bla bla bla bla bla

It was all blank to Kenny from there. Everything seemed to get dark and eventually, Kenny passed out.

• Time Skip • When He Woke Up •

Kenny woke up in the nurses office. He was laying on the bed they have in there.

Nobody was around so Kenny grabbed his bag that was sitting on the floor next to the bed and snuck towards the door.

While Kenny was sneaking towards the door, he heard the nurse talking to his friends.

"He'll be fine boys, it's just a small case of sleep deprivation. Have you noticed anything odd with him lately?" The nurse asks.

"Well he seems quieter than usual and he's always kinda tired but that's it." Stan says.

"Well I've noticed that he's been a bit jumpy and anxious." Kyle says.

"Hmmm. I'll go check on him." The nurse says.

Kenny quickly sneaks out and runs out of the school.

He runs and runs until he finally reaches his house. Panting, Kenny walks up the stairs ignoring his parents yelling at eachother in their bedroom.

Kenny discards his bag on the floor.

He reaches under his bed and pulls up a loose floorboard. Under the floor was alcohol and cigarettes, stuff Kenny probably shouldn't have.

Kenny grabs the smokes and heads back down stairs and out the front door.

Kenny grabs his bike that is chained to the side of his house and rides down to Stark's Pond.

He parks his bike next to a log and sits down.

Stark's Pond wasn't exactly pretty but it was extremely peaceful. The green trees littered behind the back of the pond, the dark dank water and the dead grass.

Nobody likes to come hear so it was really quiet. Not even birds chirping or crickets cricketing could be heard.

Kenny lit a cigarette and sucked in the addicting fumes. Kenny coughed and smoke came out of Kenny's mouth. He wasn't quite used to the feeling yet.

• Time Skip • 5 Hours Later •

Kenny was getting cold and it was getting late. He probably missed dinner by now. So, he hopped onto his bike and started riding home.

The streets were silent. It was as if something big, a giant scheme was lying behind the silence and everyone ahead stopped for it. It was an eerie silence.

Kenny almost fell off his bike when he saw a massive crowd gathered in the middle of the street. It wasn't the crowd that scared Kenny though, it was the message printed on the building they were gathered around.



"Kenny!" Says Stan as him and Kyle run up to the blond.

"Kenny dude are you ok?" Stan asks looking at Kenny.

Kenny has a pale face as he stared at the message plastered across the building. Almost the whole town was s ring at it.

"Shit...godammit Cartman.." Kenny swore. Of course Kenny new The Coon was Cartman, it was obvious.

"Uh, Kenny?" Kyle asks in a worried tone.

"Sorry guys, I gotta go." Kenny says and he pedalled with all of his might back towards his house.

End Of Chapter

• Dodging Bullets || Crenny •Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora