Chapter 15

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Back in the cathedral, Timothy climbed up to the top balcony with Serena. He ran to his bedroom in the south tower and kicked the door open before putting her down on his bed. The hunchback smiled and put his hand on her cheek.

"Don't worry. You're safe here," he said.

The honey blonde woman laid motionless, but Timothy didn't pay any mind. He ran out of the bedroom, closing the door behind him, and went down the stairs back to the lower level where he, Electchu, Shockwave, and Odyssey were chained. The three Pokemon were waiting for him with worried looks.

"How's Serena?" Shockwave asked.

"She's fine. I got her before the fire reached her," Timothy answered. "What's happening down there?"

"Master Markenel is seizing the cathedral," Odyssey said. "He and his soldiers are attacking the front doors right now."

Timothy looked at the Riolu, shocked, and ran over to the edge. He looked down at the square, dumbfounded to see half of the soldiers' Pokemon attacking the cathedral. His gaze turned to his adopted father, who was ordering his soldiers with his sword. His anger for the judge grew until he saw Ash and Sonia leading the mob, and he smiled at his friends helping him protect Serena.

But, Timothy's smile soon disappeared when he realized that, despite their superior numbers, the civilians and Arceans were losing. While Sonia, Ash, Pikachu, Miette, and Slurpuff held their own, the rest of the mob proved to be little match for the well-trained soldiers and their Pokemon. Little by little, soldiers disarmed their opponents, and their partners beat the other Pokemon, causing members of the mob to run away.

Timothy turned to Electchu, Shockwave, and Odyssey, who realized what was happening and said, "We've got to help them."

"But how?" Electchu asked.

"I need you guys to attack them with everything you have," Timothy said. "Electchu, you use Thundershock, Shockwave, Disarming Voice, and Odyssey, you can use Screech. If we grab the soldiers' attention, they'll try to fight back with whatever ranged attacks they have, leaving them less focused on Ash, Sonia, and the others. That might give our friends the opportunity they need to push back and stop Master Markenel."

Shockwave grinned and said, "Sounds like a plan."

"I'm with you, Timothy," Odyssey said.

"I won't let you down," Electchu said with a salute.

Timothy gave his dear friends an appreciative smile before the three Pokemon prepared to attack. Electchu squeezed its cheeks with its paws, creating electricity, while Shockwave and Odyssey prepared their voices. With a loud cry, Electchu fired a yellow lightning bolt from its body. Shockwave and Odyssey screamed at the top of their lungs with a beam of purple hearts coming out of Shockwave's mouth and see-through soundwaves coming out of Odyssey's mouth. The Thundershock hit two soldiers with a Meowth, Arbok, and Weezing. The purple hearts and the soundwaves hit larger groups of soldiers and Pokemon, who screamed and howled in pain with the soldiers dropping their weapons and covering their ears. None of the attacks significantly damaged the Pokemon with Electchu, Shockwave, and Odyssey's lack of training, but they did distract them from the mob.

Giovanni looked up to see Timothy's companions attacking his troops, and he shouted, "Take them down!"

A dozen soldiers and their Pokemon looked up at Timothy, Electchu, Shockwave, and Odyssey and began firing ranged attacks at them. The hunchback and the Pokemon got down on the floor before a volley of Flamethrowers, Rock Blasts, Dragon Pulse, Thunder, and Psybeam attacks could hit them. The enemy Pokemon continued to unleash their storm of attacks, forcing Timothy, Electchu, Shockwave, and Odyssey to stay in cover.

The Hunchback of Lumiose Cathedral: A OC/Pokemon/Amourshipping storyWhere stories live. Discover now