Chapter 5

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The city square was packed with people and Pokemon all over the city. The Arceans had finished setting up the festival with stages, banners, musicians, food, barrels of mead, beer, wine, and cider. The entertainers were in tents, putting on costumes and makeup.

Up in the top balcony of Lumiose Cathedral, Electchu, Shockwave, and Odyssey helped Timothy put on his cloak and hood made up from one of the curtains in his room underneath the church bells and some rope. When the Pokemon finished, Odyssey put the hood on Timothy's head, and he backed away to give the disguised hunchback a good look.

"It's perfect," the Riolu said. "The hood and cloak cover him just right."

Shockwave nodded and turned to Electchu, saying, "I got to hand it to you, Electchu; I'm impressed that you are capable of coming up with a good idea like this."

The Pikachu glared at the Kirlia and asked, "Was that a compliment or a shot?"

"Pick one," Shockwave replied.

Timothy chuckled at his Pokemon's childish behavior before he gave a hesitant look and asked, "Are you guys sure this will work? What if my hood comes off or something?"

"Then, you just don't partake in any activities that require you to take it off," Shockwave answered. "Just stay in the crowd and watch all the shows and stuff. Maybe grab a plate of food and find a place to eat in secret so that you've tried it."

"But are you sure you guys don't want to come with me? I hate to leave you behind," Timothy said.

"We're sure," Odyssey said. "If any of us are there, Master Markenel might recognize us if we're not careful. Besides, this is more for you than for all of us."

"Exactly," Shockwave said. "So, go on. Have fun and tell us all about it when you get back."

"And bring us some souvenirs if you can," Electchu added.

The hunchback smiled at his loyal companions and pulled them into one big hug, saying, "You guys are the best friends I could wish for."

"Ugh, thanks, Timothy, but maybe you should get going before the festival starts without you," Electchu said, gasping for air.

Timothy let go of his friends and gave them an apologetic look, and said, "Okay, I'm off."

He went over the railing and climbed down, using the cathedral's columns and many statues of angels, apostles, and gargoyles. When he made it to the ground, Timothy sneaked his way into the crowd before anyone noticed that he climbed down from the building. He squeezed his way through people and Pokemon until he was in front of the main stage, having watched the festival long enough to know that the opening ceremony took place there.

Suddenly, a group of Arcean men sound their trumpets, and a cloud of purple smoke emerged from the center of the main stage with a loud crack. The crowd gasped before Sonia came out from the smoke, wearing gold earrings, white heart-shaped decorations on her hair, two gold bracelets, a yellow top with a violet bodice, and a fuchsia skirt. The men in the crowd whistled and howled in adoration for her attractive features, earning disapproving glares and smacks in the face or head from their wives and suitresses. The peach-haired woman cackled with her mouth closed, taking pleasure from the attention before she raised her hands in the air and spoke out loud to her audience with a bright smile.

"Welcome one and all to the Feast of Fools!" She greeted. "I'm so happy to see so many of you here to join us this year!"

People and Pokemon all over the square screamed and cheered before Sonia continued.

The Hunchback of Lumiose Cathedral: A OC/Pokemon/Amourshipping storyWhere stories live. Discover now