Chapter 6

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Timothy stood on stage, unable to move. Miette ran away from him to hide behind Sonia, who looked at the hunchback in shock. Sylveon and Slurpuff looked at Timothy in terror, and Serena looked at him with her eyes wide open and both hands covering her mouth, realizing what she had done. It took several seconds before the crowd realized what happened before they screamed and gasped at the sight of Timothy's deformed face.

"That's no mask! That's his face!" A man shouted.

"He's hideous!" A woman shouted.

"Is it even human?" Another woman asked.

"Could it be some sort of a Pokemon?" A third woman asked.

"No, it's the Lumiose Cathedral bell ringer," a second man said.

"Keep it away from our children!" a fourth woman screamed while hugging her kids.

The more Timothy heard from the citizens, the more it hit him that his worst fears had come true. From up on the top balcony in Lumiose Cathedral, Electchu, Shockwave, and Odyssey watched what happened, not knowing what to do to help their friend from above. Timothy saw Markenel standing up from his seat, astounded that the hunchback disobeyed him. He suddenly remembered the judge's words and became afraid that the Arceans and the citizens would band together to drown him or tear him into pieces. The hunchback got down on his knees and cried.

Suddenly, amid the commotion, Sonia began applauding and cheering at the top of her lungs. The square fell silent, and all eyes turned to her, wondering if she had gone mad or didn't understand what was going on.

"Splendid! Magnificent! Absolutely marvelous!" She cheered before turning to the crowd. "Ladies and gentlemen, don't you see? We asked for the ugliest face in Lumiose City, and here it is!"

The crowd continued to stare at the peach-haired woman, confused, before looking back at Timothy. They thought about it before they realized that she was right and began cheering along with her. Even Miette and Serena took a moment to realize Sonia's point before they joined in. Timothy looked around, having trouble processing what was happening before he felt Sonia put her hand on his hunch, and he turned to her.

"What's your name, my friend?" She asked.

"Uh...Timothy," Timothy answered.

Sonia smiled and turned to the audience shouting, "Everyone, I give you our king: Timothy, the hunchback of Lumiose Cathedral!"

The audience cheered louder while Sonia helped Timothy back on his feet and took off his hood and cloak. Serena, Miette, Sylveon, and Slupuff walked over to them with the honey blonde woman holding a yellow and purple crown with bells hanging at the tip and the blunette holding a purple cape and a scepter. Serena laid the crown on Timothy's head, and Miette wrapped the cape around his neck and gave him the scepter before both women kissed his cheeks, turning his face beet red.

"Bring out the throne!" Sonia called out.

Four Machoke came to the stage, carrying a yellow throne with magnolia cushions using carrying poles. Slurpuff puts Timothy on the throne using Psychic, and the Machoke began carrying him through the square with humans and Pokemon making a path. Sonia walked ahead of Timothy and the Machoke, holding out a wooden pole like a staff as though she was leading another parade.

Timothy turned to Markenel and gave him a smile and a wave, thinking it was okay to disobey his orders since the people accepted him. The justice minister glowered at his adopted son and signaled Giovanni to walk over to him. The captain moved his Rapidash toward his master, and Markenel whispered something to his ear. Ash and Pikachu watched curiously as Giovanni grinned and drove his Rapidash over to his second-in-command.

The Hunchback of Lumiose Cathedral: A OC/Pokemon/Amourshipping storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن