Chapter 2

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Inside the south tower of Lumiose Cathedral, there was a small, stone bedroom. Inside, the hunchback, Timothy, now twenty-one years of age, slept on an old, wooden bed. He snored as he slept on his stomach, making his hunch look like a mountain with his blanket covering it. From the other side of his bedroom were three Pokemon sleeping in little round beds. A Pikachu was on the bed on the left, cuddled up in a ball, a Riolu was lying down on its back on the right bed, and a Kirlia laid on the center bed, using its hands as a pillow.

The morning sun appeared through the glass window next to the bedroom door. The light shined on Timothy's eyes, and the young man flinched before turning his head away and opening his green eyes. He sat up from his bed and stretched his arms while yawning, revealing his heavy arms, before walking to the dresser next to his bed. He changed from his nightgown and cap to brown pants, black shoes, and a green shirt made especially for him. Timothy turned to a painting of Jesus and put his hands together before bowing his head.

"Good morning, Lord," the hunchback said.

With the brief prayer done, Timothy exited the room, making sure not to wake up the Pokemon so that they could sleep a little longer. He walked through the balcony that connects the two towers toward the north tower. The railing on the balcony had statues of gargoyles on top of them, and below the training were long statues of gargoyle heads. Timothy entered the tower and climbed up the ladders leading to the top of it, where big and small copper bells were hanging on the ceiling.

The hunchback grabbed a long piece of rope attached to the bells and pulled down with all of his strength. The bells moved back and forth slowly at first until their clappers began banging against the sound bows. Timothy pulled the rope harder until the mighty bells were swiftly rocking back and forth, ringing as loud as claps of thunder so that all of Lumiose City could hear. For two minutes, Timothy rang the bells so that every person and Pokemon in the city had woken up. When he was done, he used the rope to slide down to the bottom of the tower. He went outside to the balcony again just in time to see the Pikachu, Kirlia, and Riolu coming out of his bedroom. The hunchback smiled and walked over to the Pokemon, who noticed him and smiled before meeting him.

"Good morning, Timothy," the Riolu said.

"Good morning, Odyssey," Timothy replied, having been with the three Pokemon for so long that he could understand what they were saying. "Did you all sleep well?"

"I was until you woke me up with those bells," the Pikachu grumbled.

"Oh, so you had another one of those dreams, did you, Electchu?" Timothy asked. "Let me guess, you dreamt of a Flareon?"

Electchu looked up at the sky with its paws together in a dreamy look and said, "No, even better. I was running up a hill of flowers, and that's when I saw the loveliest Leafeon any Pokemon could lay eyes on. When she turned to me, it was love at first sight."

"Oh, for goodness sake," the Kirlia groaned like a big sister annoyed with her little brother. "When are you gonna knock it off with these fantasies?"

"Fantasies?!" Electchu shouted appalled. "Shockwave, you surprise me. Just because it was a dream doesn't mean it can't happen. For all we know, Archdeacon Sycamore could find another lost Pokemon that could live with us, and it would just happen to be a female Leafeon."

"Or a Vaporeon, or an Espeon, or an Umbreon, Jolteon, Sylveon, Glaceon, or maybe just an Eevee," Shockwave said.

Timothy chuckled and said, "Shockwave has a point, Electchu. You never stick to just one Pokemon to dream about."

"And what's wrong with that?" Electchu challenged. "I'm sure when I find the one, I'll want to be with no other Pokemon. Until then, I'll just keep dreaming."

The Hunchback of Lumiose Cathedral: A OC/Pokemon/Amourshipping storyWhere stories live. Discover now