Chapter 14

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The next evening, Lumiose City's square was crowded with people and Pokemon. At the center was a platform where Serena was tied to a stake with bundles of hay surrounding her. Beside the platform were large cages containing Arceans and their Pokemon along with the people and Pokemon who were hiding them in the city. The cages were guarded by Giovanni, Persian, Butch, Cassidy, and a handful of other soldiers. Ash was in a cage of his own with Pikachu and Sylveon in separate, smaller cages next to him and Butch standing guard. Soldiers and their Pokemon partners held back civilians protesting against Markenel imprisoning so many people and Pokemon, and demanding restitution for their homes raided or burned down. Archdeacon Sycamore, Sister Sophie, and all the other church members with their Pokemon in the cathedral also protested at the front steps of the cathedral, where soldiers were also holding them back.

A group of soldiers lined up and began beating drums as Markenel stepped onto the platform. He took out a roll of parchment and read it out loud for everyone to hear.

"The Arcean, Serena, has been found guilty of performing witchcraft with no Pokemon present to disprove her wicked abilities and is therefore declared to be possessed by a demon!" He announced. "The sentence: burn by the stake!"

The citizens cried out louder, rebuking the false charge, and declaring Serena to be innocent. The Arceans shook the bars to their cages. Their Pokemon attempted to destroy the cages even though they were built to block their abilities. Miette banged on the bars, shedding tears for her friend while Sonia struggled to keep her emotions in check as she watched Serena be terrified for her life. Sylveon and Pikachu called out to her, and Ash clenched his teeth and shut his eyes, losing hope.

"Lord, please," he prayed. "Don't let this happen! Stop them from burning her."

Markenel rolled up his parchment and walked over to the edge of the platform facing the cathedral. He looked at Archdeacon Sycamore, who was glaring daggers while soldiers were blocking him with their spears.

"Markenel, stop this at once!" The archdeacon barked. "I forbid you from executing this woman in front of the house of God!"

"Your declaration against me means nothing," Markenel said. "Will you ask this woman for penance before the sentence is carried out? If not, then I have no need of your squabbling. "

"I will do no such thing!" Archdeacon Sycamore yelled. "This woman has done nothing worthy of death!"

"Then I'm her only hope," Markenel said.

Archdeacon Sycamore stared at Markenel, baffled by his response. Markenel took a torch from one of his soldiers and walked over to Serena. The honey blonde woman grew more afraid as the judge stood only a couple feet away from her. She expected Markenel to say more slanderous things against her, but the judge's face softened to a smile.

"The time has come, dear Serena," he said in a soft voice that only Serena could hear. "You stand on the brink of the abyss, but it is not too late to be saved."

"W-what are you saying?" Serena asked.

"Despite how you look at me, I am a saintly man," Markenel claimed. "My holiness can remove your trespasses and save you from both this world and the next. All you have to do is give yourself to me unconditionally, and you will be purified."

At that moment, Serena's fear transformed into shock as she understood what the judge's true intentions were. Her surprise turned to disgust as she remembered their encounter inside the cathedral and realized that everything Markenel had done to so many innocent lives was only for his lust for her flesh while still planning to destroy her people and Pokemon.

"I will not give myself to you even if you do possess such power!" She snarled.

Markenel furrowed his brow and said, "Do not refuse so hastily, Arcean. My price is nothing compared to spending an eternity of fire burning flesh that awaits the wicked. Can you deal with such terror just to deny me?"

The Hunchback of Lumiose Cathedral: A OC/Pokemon/Amourshipping storyWhere stories live. Discover now