Start from the beginning

"Ground Zero, that quirk is dangerous! You have to avoid getting hit by that steel otherwise you're gonna be put to sleep and the villain can turn you into a doll and send you in a different dimension!" The speaker warned. "The way to escape from it is to find a fated pair and fulfill the quests that you will be given!"

"Stop that horseshit! Getting hit? Haa, ain't gonna happen, that fucker's getting worse than a hit!" Bakugou scoffed as he flew up by using his training jumps and explosions in support to make him jump higher.

And he blew his blast to the location where the villain stood. "Fuckin' easy."

"Oh? How about this?" The mischievous voice boomed behind the explosive hero as he swiveled around in startle, "Have nice beauty sleep, cocksucker!"

"Ground Z—"

"—ero! Dammit! Send out the backups and catch that villain!" Jeanist ordered around his office as the coworkers scampered around and called on the pro-heroes.

"Ground Zero, endure it!" He spoke to the microphone. 'Shit! He has been sent to a different dimension!' The angry hiss escaped from the frustrated male's lips as his hands gripped his arms.

The body promptly appeared out of the air, letting it collapse on the street that was beside the store, with the boyish doll-like outfit that was worn out by the unconscious pro-hero in his younger form.

His stomach slapped flat against the dirty street as his cheek came in contact with the cold sensation. The shop co-owner female prepared the boxes in her shared shop with her husband.

She stared outside of the big frame of a window and instantly noticed the motionless posture of a child laying outside of the store, on the cold and dirty street.

The married woman gasped in shock as she snatched the blanket and wrapped it around her body.

She stepped out of the open door and stared down at the laid body by ten feet apart from her, "Oh, god! Child, what are you doing outside at such a dangerous time like this! The criminals might take you away and do horrible things to you!"

She got no response nor reaction, the middle-aged female strolled towards the unconscious body of a child being laid on the street in between evening and night, the weather was chilly.

"Aren't you cold?!" The woman uttered as she got the goosebumps from the cold weather blowing through her knitted blanket, brushing against her skin while the unmoved body didn't cause any reactions.

She kneeled to turn his motionless body over to see his face in case she might recognize him from the neighborhood, his honey blonde and spiky chopped bang slightly covered his closed eyes.

To the defeat, the stranger had never seen a child who looked like him in the neighborhood.

Her hand caressed his delicate, cold, and fair cheek, trying to wake him up. "Can you hear me? Are you injured?"

To her setback, there was no answer given, only a silent treatment.

The worried female put her ear on the stiff body's chest in hope of hearing the heartbeat but there were none.

"I will have to check if you have something with you." She mumbled to herself, searching for any sources that she could save the lifeless child, her fingers slipped in the pocket of the outfit.

Finding the folded paper inside his small pocket, taking it out, and praying that there must be some answers to her questions.


Gender: MALE

He is a doll, he remains unresponsive when he hasn't found his fated owner yet. His eyes will open when finding the specified owner.

If found, more guides will appear for the chosen heir. While that, allow him to have space at a shop and let him wait for the fated customer to come.

Letting those, who are not fated and does not make the doll open his eyes, offer any money or claim him, YOU will have to face the calamitous consequences.

Do not name any price for the doll.

The female coughed up on her word in slight fear and swore that she wouldn't let any unfated customer lay their finger on that strange human-like doll.

"Well, it seems like I won't let any of my customers lay their finger on you." She spoke up as she gently picked the doll up, "I hope it's alright if I wash your clothes. It's soaked and dirty."

The light-haired woman carried the doll and brought it inside her shop.

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