"hmmm, If your sure.... Anyways, are you hungry?"

"Yeah actually, i also have a few questions but those can wait."

"Don't be silly! We can talk while we eat!" Asriel grabbed a plate and put the cookies on it.

You smiled, you knew asriel was really nice but you didn't think this much.

"So anyways, whats your first question?"

"Oh, uh, Where did you find me? The last thing I remember was a white patch of what i assume was snow."

"Oh! I found you unconscious in the snow! I didn't know humans like passing out in it!"

"ehhhh, most people don't, but that's because I was very exhausted from my journey."

"Oh! Whats your second question?"

"Have you seen another human, besides me and Chara?"

"Not yet, I was actually just on lookout for humans when i found you in the snow."

"So why didn't you hand me in to the royal guard?"

"I am, that's why I brought you in, I notified mom, she'll be here tomorrow to collect you!"

"O-oh." you forced out. If Toriel was coming tomorrow and you still couldn't use magic it wouldn't end well, you couldn't allow yourself to get captured, and while Chara would probably object you didn't think Toriel would give in, this was not a good position, especially with your secondary reason for coming here.

You and Asriel continued to eat, the latter explaining his reason to wanting to be in the royal guard, you listened intently and tried to form a bond with him, being probably your best chance of survival.

After a while of talking Chara came downstairs, she spotted you and whispered:

"So it wasn't a dream..."

You shook your head, standing up as you did so. Chara ran towards you and you hugged, it was a tight embrace that lasted several seconds, when Chara pulled away from you, you said you needed to talk in private, the trio agreed to let you and Chara talk in her room and to come downstairs when they had finished.

You and Chara sat down on her bed, you looked towards her before talking.

"Hey Chara, do you know what time it is within this timeline? has shifty come through here yet and is it a genocide route?"

"I haven't seen the kiddo, but it wouldn't be smart to assume it's a neutral or pacifist run, i think they're still in the ruins, why do you ask?"

"I had two reasons for coming here, the first being to make sure you were okay and that after you glitched away you weren't in a dangerous AU, the second is that i want to get rid of the kiddo completely."

"How do you plan to do that?"

"Show up during your fight, kill them once or twice, then disappear, taking you with me, they won't have any reason to continue genocide runs if you're not here."

"that's pretty smart but what abou-"

"I also plan to keep Asriel and Toriel away from Shifty, we can't save Papyrus, I'll leave it up to you if you want me to tell them everything or just make some bs excuse"

"I think it's better if we tell them, it would explain a lot of questions they have."

"Another thing, Toriel is coming 'round tomorrow to take me to the king to have my soul harvested, and when i came to this universe I burnt out all my magical energy so i can't defend myself, i can't even summon a single knife." You showed Chara the sparks appearing as she nodded.


You stood up and headed back down to Asriel, who was sitting happily, and blissfully unaware of what truly happens in this week long loop cycle. You looked towards Chara, who sighed and nodded, she walked over to Asriel as she began to explain.

"Hey Azzie?"

"Chara my name is Asriel, not Azzie!"

"Asriel listen to me, this is serious."

Asriel fell silent as Chara explained the timelines, au's and resets, as well as the genocides. 

"So you're trying to say there's a human who appears in a few days and wishes to kill us all?"

"Yes Asriel, and for the love of god don't say you can change them, you can't, and i will personally ensure you don't encounter them." You finished off the last few questions and inquires he had.

You stepped outside, despite the fact it was snowing, it was only about 10 degrees Celsius (50 Fahrenheit  for the yanks), you sat down on the steps that led to the house, Asriel had agreed to try to persuade Toriel to not capture you, it would be tricky and could very easily fail, but you had a suspicion Toriel would give you a chance to escape, just to see if you were really worth trying to keep for your soul.

Chara came out and sat besides you, a conversation discussing knives and magic followed suit. After a while it had gotten colder and Chara informed you it was getting late. You followed her in as Chara allowed you stay in her room. After some searching a sleeping bag was found and you were allowed to sleep in that, Chara's bed being too small for the both of you to be comfortable.

You shut your eyes yet again as you felt the dark void that had trapped your mind ever since the darkened rooms lift away from you.

UniTale: Universal Adventures [Reader x StoryShift Chara]Where stories live. Discover now