Chapter Föuŕ

33 9 8

I honestly do not know how prison visits work but I hope I did my best...And I'm sorry if this offends someone in any way 💓


Aerrow's Pov

"Hello I'm here to see Jered Jones" I say as I reach the reception

"Okay, and who may you be? The lady at the reception asks

"I'm his Attorney Tina King and on my right is his...wife Milanda Jones" I say, she calls someone and then she turns and points

"Okay go straight to the left and down the hall is there's a room and he'll be brought to you in just a minute."

"Okay thank you" I say as I walk away with a very nervous Milanda, I swear I feel I'm gonna pee myself but I know I got this...

We enter the room and there's about 4 chairs around a table

"I'll sit on this side and you'll sit on that side with Jered" I say


We sit down and 2 minutes later Jered is brought in wearing the prison uniform and cuffs. As soon as he enters A very teary Milanda runs up to him but his eyes meet mine and he freezes, I stand up to introduce myself.

"Good Afternoon Mr Jones, I'm Tina King your attorney from Jackson Firms" I say sticking my hand out for a handshake

"Aerro-" I cut him off
"I'd appreciate it if you called me Miss King Mr Jones, please take a sit then we have alot to talk about" I say sitting down, I wait for the both of them to seat down

"How have you been Aer- Miss King?" He asks

"Okay Mr and Mrs Jones can we start" I say looking at the both of them, ignoring his question on purpose

"Why are you helping me Miss King if you're going to keep ignoring my questions" He has some nerve

"Mr Jones it might have not come to your attention but We share a relationship of Client and Lawyer only, and getting too personal is very unprofessional and I was assigned by my boss to represent you in this case meaning I had no say, but if I did I think you and I both know I wouldn't have taken it." I say getting a little pissed
"Now Mr Jones-"I'm cut off

"You can call Jered you know"He says, can he just shut up!

"I prefer Mr Jones thank you... Now as I was saying it states here that you have been held accountable for Freud and Money Laundrying" I say looking into my documents

"And as your lawyer I need to know if this is true or not"I say looking at him
"Well you see I met this guy a cou-"

"A simple yes or no would do just fine Mr Jones" I say

"No it's not true" He says
"Well what I'm looking at seems pretty bad, so if you didn't do any of the things they holding you accountable and guilty of then it means someone's been using your name, have any idea of who would do that or try to frame you. Do you have any beef with anyone, it could be anyone from 10 years ago or maybe now?" I ask

"Well I would say I think its someone from my work place that for sure I know" he explains

"And why would you say that?" I ask taking notes, his case seems it's gonna be a rough and tough one

"Because everything happened under the company I work for but under my name,account and family name" he says looking abit worried and sad, this must have taken a big toll on him

"Okay anything more I need to know before I leave" I ask, and he looks abit hesitate

"Tell her Gray" Milanda whispers staring up at Jered

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