Chapter Thr3e

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So this chapter goes to soph_livethemoment12 for being the first person to comment😭😭, please go follow her and just know I appreciate you to bits 🙌


Milanda Jones Pov

I remember how Aerrow used to express and tell the story of how she felt when she first held me in her arms,she had said she felt as if she had met an angel in person,my mom had mentioned how her eyes glowed with happiness and admiration, how she knew that Aerrow had loved me way before I had come to earth.

Growing up I knew my parents loved me but not as much as Aerrow loved me, My parents showed so much love for Aerrow that sometimes I almost felt left out, but Aerrow made sure I was happy every single day, she read me bed time stories, she sang lullabies for me, she basically babied me and I loved it.

She had mothered me till high school, when my dad passed on when I was 12, it shattered all of us but Aerrow was strong for all of us, she never broke down in front of any of us but behind closed doors I knew she let it all out. She had to work at the age of 17, paying our fees,the bills, hospital bills and everything,mom had gotten really sick during that time, making all the responsibilities fall on her, and on top of that she had to manage school. That was alot for one person but she managed to come on top.

She was my role model for the longest time, I wanted walk like her, I wanted to talk like her,I loved how she would walk into a room and everyone would turn to look, everyone admired and loved her,her kindness,generosity and how she managed to make you smile just by smiling at you, I wanted to be just like her.

I remember how she would come back home smiling from work, I wondered why until one day 13 year old curious me went and tickled the answer out of her, in the end she had finally spilled the beans... she had boyfriend, and his name was Jered and he was 21 years old.

I remember how we jumped on the bed whisper shouting  'Rowie has a boyfriend' the whole night. I saw how he made my sister happy and that's when I knew he was the one.It wasn't until dad had passed on when I finally got to meet him, he had been there for us, visiting everyday, taking us out to clear our minds and even going as far as to helping Aerrow by fetching me from school everyday single day.

As soon as I left for college,Aerrow had surprised me by buying me a car. I still remember that day like it was yesterday

*Flashback 8 years ago*

I was called by Aerrow today to come by her house it's an emergency so I'm in a cab heading there right now,how I wish I had my own car, but very soon I've been saving,I didn't want to bother Aerrow since her husband Jered is already paying for my apartment so I shouldn't be a burden on them. I arrive and I pay the cab and walk towards their house, I'm about to open the main door when a very stunning and glowing Aerrow opens the door.

"Hey Millie"She says grabbing me into one of her 'mommy hugs' I can't wait to see how she'll be when she becomes a mom, hopefully I'll be off the hook

"Hey Sis,so whatsup? You said it's an emergency but you look perfectly fine to me" I say crossing my arms "Hey Gray" I greet him as he stands behind Aerrow,I stopped calling him Jered a long time ago, figured I liked Grayson more than Jered

"Heyy Andy, thanks for coming by"I see as he smirks and I look at him with confusion written all over my face

"Okay so I'm gonna go straight to the point it's been hard to hide this from you" Aerrow says

"Oh my gosh you guys are pregnant, I knew it I knew it"I say smiling

"What? No silly,so when I was your age I knew the struggle of not having a car,and at your age I had alot of responsibilities and all,I had promised myself that I'd make sure your life was not as hard as mine you know?"She explains

"Okay and where is this going?"I ask

"Shh I'm not done, When daddy died he made me promise that I take care of you meaning he handed you over to me,at first I was scared but today I wanna tell and show you how proud of you I am, and with that being said here is a gift from Jered and I" She said as she pulled out a small box from behind, I opened the box and inside were a set of keys, keys?...

"Tell me you didn't" I say with tears welling up in my eyes, Aerrow smiles

"Oh yes we did, come on Millie your car is in the garage" I practically ran,i got there and opened the garage and boom

"Oh my gosh... It's beautiful guys" I say now a crying mess, there in front of my eyes stood a very beautiful gray and black mini Cooper

"I'm glad you like it" Gray said looking at me, yes but not as much as I like you.

*End of flashback*

That day I realised I had liked Jered so much that it hurt to see them together and it wasn't because he paid for my apartment or bought me a car but because of how affectionate he was.

Our affair was never supposed to happen, it had been a mistake,I knew I was glad that it had happened yet he had said it had  just been a moment of weakness and lust, yet it didn't stop there.

I know I've wronged Aerrow in such a way that if someone had done what I had done to her, I have no idea what I would have done but when you fall deeply in love with someone, nothing in this world ever exists. I know falling him in love with my sister's husband was wrong...

But it wasn't a mistake.

I'm so sorry for the short chapter!  I promise to make up for it... But I hope you enjoyed

What do you think of Milanda's pov? Do you think she'd selfish? With that being said

Chapter 3s question:

If you were to give 8 years ago  Milanda advice...What would advice would you give her? Comment down below

Excited for chapter 4?...Well I am baby!!

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Yours truly

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