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Hello my loved ones how are you?I'm good thanks for asking so if you go to my profile you'll see there's a book called 'Confusion for Love' so here's the thing I've decided to drop that book because I felt it had no sense of direction,honestly I actually don't mind if you go read it and come laugh down here by the comments...Its trash and I know but guess what? This book is gonna be a banger I swear on my pink teddy bear (Nah I'm just kidding I don't have a pink teddy bear,i mean common me.. I think I should stop talking now) Guess what!? There's more

There's book I'm actually writing and its gonna be a book series!! *audience claps hands*Thank you, thank you *

*you're amazing!!* I know thanks George,okay so I  decided,you know what?... it's time to do some Multi-tasking since its the holiday and I need a little distraction.I honestly love reading and writing In fact I do have a few authors I 100% admire,comment down below 👇 if you want me to suggest them to you trust me you won't regret it, and this book is just something I've been doing on the aside with the help of... Myself, I hope y'all enjoy and appreciate it cuz I put all my energy(200-100+300-400+100=solve it will you%) into this book.

Last but not least...I've actually got nothing to say so Enjoy

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