Part 9: Biker Chase.

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Waiting around standing, starting to get worried. Tapping my feet against the floor. Holding the box with bandages and clean alcohol in hand.

"What is taking him so long?" I ask Ian as Ian was about to check on him. We hear noises come around the corner.

"Oh, no" we both say at the same time walking over to Barely talking to some bikers

"You got a lot of nerves--"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! I'm just saying, sprites used to fly around spreading delight. That's a good thing!"

"Sprites can't fly." The Pixie Boss said, eating a chunk full of sugar, seeing a little bored and ridiculous over Barley's accusation.

"Well, your wings don't work 'cause you stopped using them. Just ask my friend, she has wings and dosent know how to fly them. Haha, shes pretty cute whenever she says she can't use them" he finishes, the pixie boss stopped her eating sugar, throwing it away and glares at Barley angrily.

"You calling me lazy?" She growled walking towards him

"No, no, no. Not you. Your ancestors." He replies back, covering my face while groaning at his wrong choice of words.

"What did you say about my ancestors!?"

"I didn't mean lazy--ack! Hoover!"

"Shh Barley.." picking him up as I carry him in my hands, shushing him, in order not to get too much of a big problem

"I'm sorry, very sorry. He's sorry too. You don't need to fly. Who needs to fly? I mean, you've got those great bikes!" Ian said anxiously, as we both backed away, about to head back to the van.

"What are you two doing? I was just discussing history!" Barley struggles in my grip before Ian turns to him in my hands

"Barley, I'm trying to take care of you, Hoover and Dad. And you're not making it any easier--"

Ian pulls Mr. Lightfoot closer to us so we can leave as soon as possible. Until he crashed onto the pixies bikes and crashed them all down. All pixis inside the gas station looked outside seeing their bikes block the door. All of them trying to break through

Gupling at this sudden action, this only one thing. A bikers chaise.

"Oh, no"

"Hey! You're dead! You, and you're weak winged friend here!"

Pushing Ian forward and Mr. Lightfoot to while carrying Barley in my clunched. Running over to the van, looking back to see a angry mob of pixies trying to escape out the store

"Were dead! We're dead! We're dead!"

"Were not! We're not! We're not!" I repeat back to Ian while Ian was pouring the gas inside the van.

"Don't worry! They won't be able to lift those bikes!" After Barley said that, we hear bikes from a distance start to come our way

"Oh, They are strong..!"

"Were gonna die! We're gonna die! We're gonna die!"

"Ian, no were not! Don't get nervous and try to stay calm! A bike fight isn't that inteanse--"


"U-uhh did I say bike fight? I mean, Bike chaise! Yeah..."

Turning over to the car door, trying to open it. It couldn't.

"It's locked???" Peeking inside the window, only to see the keys nside the van

"Moly gumdrops! Therye inside!"

{Onward} [Onward t'e Quest!] BarelyXHoover(oc) Where stories live. Discover now