Part 4: Wizard Staff

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"What do you mean, it's from Dad?" Barley ask Ian, all three of us walked up the stairs as Ms. Lightfoot was in the attic getting something

"I don't know. Mom said it was for both of us." Ian said to Barley, in question what's even going on

"What is it?"

"Maybe more sweatshirt?" I ask them

"Why would dad leave more sweatshirt?" Barley asked me, shrugging off an 'I don't know response' we all helped Ms Lightfoot

"He just said to give you this when you were both over 16." She said giving a large long object to them both

Walking inside Ian's room, both brothers putting down the object on Ian's bed. We all look over it

"I have no idea what it is" Ms Lightfoot said

Ian opened it, revealing what it is. A long wooden staff upon us

"*gasps* No way! It's a wizard staff! Dad was a wizard!"

"What?" Me and Ian ask in question. Confused by his equation

"Hold on! Your dad was an accountant. I mean, he got interested in a lot of strange things when he got sick but..." Ms. Lightfoot continued before being cut off by Ian. Finding a letter underneath the cloth.

"There's a letter. Dear Ian and Barley, long ago, the world was full of Wonder. It was adventurous, exciting, and best of all, there was magic. And that magic helped all in need. But it wasn't easy to master. And so the world found a simpler way to get by. Over time, magic faded away, but I hope there's a little magic left in you. And so I wrote this spell, so I could see for myself. Who my boys grew up to be." Ian finished reading the letter, another letter behind

Showing drawing and something under them.

"Visitation Spell?" I ask

Barley taking the paper and reading it over again.

"I don't believe this." Barley whispered to himself

"What is it Barley?" I ask him as he turns to me

"This spell brings him back. For one whole day,  Dad will be back!"


"Back? Like back to life? That's not possible."

"This is unbelievable.."

We all stare over the letter, stunned by this discovery.

"It is with this!" Barley shows the staff to Ian and me. Still in total shock by this.

"I'm gonna meet Dad?" Ian ask himself

"Oh, Will, you wonderful nut. What is this?" Ms. Lightfoot breathingly ask herself looking over the letter over again.

"Now, a spell this wonderful needs an assist element. And, I mean, for this to work, Dad would've had to find--a Phoenix Gem!" Barley says outloudly, showing us a yellow, orange and red gem in between his fingers

We all stare over the gem, in gawd by this new potential opportunity.

"There's only a few of these left."

"Hold on! Is this dangerous?"

"We're about to find out."

"Barley, are you sure? I mean, is this even safe?" I ask him

"Hoover! This might be your chance to meet our dad too! He'll be so happy to know you!"


{Onward} [Onward t'e Quest!] BarelyXHoover(oc) Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum